My two


New Member
Mesa, Arizona
This is all I currently have set up completely. I have a planted take thats under construction and a salt still not complete.

in tank one (Can you see the theme)
2 Parrot Chiclids
5 Albino Tiger barbs
3 Albino rainbow sharks
1 Albino Pleco



In tank two:
Three Ryukins, Pearlscale, Shurbunkin, Fantail, Lionhead, and a red-capped oranda, regular oranda. (I am trying to get all the types of goldfish)



I have been doing fishtanks for 10 years, since I was 8.
I had Four tanks, but a terrible thing happened. I fed bloodworms, and it turned out to have a parasite, killing all of my fish.
I had a tank with over 300 community fish
Over 20 chiclids including three that where for show
6 Discus
And some live bearers.

It was sad, but so far I rebuilt these two. :)


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
Sorry to hear about your monster tank. I like your other tanks though, the albino tank seems like a pretty cool idea haha. And a goldfish collection tank seems pretty sweet too (Black Moors?).


New Member
Mesa, Arizona
Haha, Yeah I am a hardcore goldfish fan.
I have a tattoo of three ryukins.
I have no black moors in there! I do need to get one.


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
I kind of want to do something similar to your goldfish tank but with gouramis instead. I just love those fish!


Very nice fish, I need to setup a freshwater tank, I have a saltwater tank already. I want a black ghost knife fish, I think they are really cool fish.


You have beautiful tanks
I would love to see larger pics of them and some close -ups of the fish
I love the Parrots -which can grow to be huge!

The only thing with the goldfish is that sometimes there are problems with keeping the more heavily bodied fantails with the more streamlined Shurbunkin-which will grow much faster and larger than the fantails

The Shurbunkin are much more aggressive feeders and much faster swimmers and will get the lions share of the food

I'm so sorry to read of the loss of what sounds to be a beautiful tank

Good Luck with those tanks-they are really nice


New Member
Mesa, Arizona
The shurbunkin is going into a pond later and have had zero eating problems but I understand what your saying. Thats why I haven't added a sarasa because they are even worse. but actually all my goldfish found a new home with my friend.
I wanted to do a new tank of new fish but had no room and he stated he just set up a really awesome tank. He wanted to do koi but he loved my goldfish so I figured why not.
It was kinda sad seeing them go but I get visitation rights!

So I have two tanks to set up, one will be today. Its only a liverbearer tank for my sister (She insists on picking her own fish so I set up a small ten gal for her)


Euphoric said:
The shurbunkin is going into a pond later and have had zero eating problems but I understand what your saying. Thats why I haven't added a sarasa because they are even worse. but actually all my goldfish found a new home with my friend.
I wanted to do a new tank of new fish but had no room and he stated he just set up a really awesome tank. He wanted to do koi but he loved my goldfish so I figured why not.
It was kinda sad seeing them go but I get visitation rights!

So I have two tanks to set up, one will be today. Its only a liverbearer tank for my sister (She insists on picking her own fish so I set up a small ten gal for her)

OK-cool-I just didn't want to have your fantails stressed by the faster shurbunkin and goldfish actually need even more tank room per fish than the tropicals do

That was nice of you to give your friend your goldfish
Good Luck with your tanks


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