N. Korea conducts nuke test..


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
By JEAN H. LEE, Associated Press Writer Jean H. Lee, Associated Press Writer – Mon May 25, 5:32 pm ET
SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea defied world powers and carried out an underground test Monday of a nuclear bomb Russian officials said was comparable to those that obliterated Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The incident drew condemnation from Washington to Beijing and set the communist regime up for a showdown with the United Nations...



America F*** YEAH, cimong here and save a mother ****ing day YEAH!

Just one of my favorites movie! AWESOME!

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
Sweet now N Korea can nuke the west coast.....i bet the gov't is happy that they removed all those anti-missle post in san fran....eh i'll just wait in Ohio for the fall out to hit, or maybe i'll just go dig a big hole and put a ton of concrete on top of me...

anyway you look at it we are screwed unless our "great" leader can do something to kill the tension.


Sin City Gecko
Las Vegas NV
Pretty much out of our hands as far as worrying about it. I don't work for the Gov't do you? Also, N Korea isn't the only worry out there. Iran is a much greater threat. I mean we haven't been friends with them either and their leader is a radical terrorist to say the least. I wouldn't worry so much about a catastrophic event such as a bomb going off. It's the ensuing reaction that we should worry about. What sides would be taken and by which countries? This is actually neither here nor there though. What I mean is that whatever country harnesses the power of the Sun is a country that stands to benefit economically from the respect of other nations that wield that power as well. The U.S. and Russia both have/had the greatest economies since the discovery of this power..... before that the ancient Romans had vast power due to the effectiveness of the short sword and the vastness of its armies. They too benefited from this power economically. This world is all run with the intention of making money and more of it. Don't you think that it's funny that money isn't natural. Money is an idea that man created. No animal on earth knows what money is except us. I think it is very narrow minded that humans create these tools for destruction for money and power. We are supposed to be the guardians of this planet and we destroy it or plan to destroy it for something we made up..... Money.

Lastly, people say that the root of all evil is money. I disagree. Giving it signifigance over life itself is the true evil.


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
We are supposed to be the guardians of this planet and we destroy it or plan to destroy it for something we made up..... Money.

Lastly, people say that the root of all evil is money. I disagree. Giving it signifigance over life itself is the true evil.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Well, I said it on some other thread, but most people are fueled by money and greed alone, it's sickening.


Now i get to worry about all my soldier friends that i thought were safe in S.K....great.

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