Could be a Bee, or the eyes might be really dark red as well. The parents are (Female) Diablo Blanco (Male) Enigma Abyssinian No black pigment on the body at all.
So it's either a BEE het Tremper Blizzard or a BEE het Blizzard, depending upon whether or not the Eclipse sire was het for Tremper. However, if you maintain the APTOR part you mentioned in your first post, it's really "just" a Nova since the "A" and "T" in APTOR refer to the Tremper albino trait and Tremper + Eclipse + Enigma basically = Nova.
With the sire being an Ab, chances are good that he is het Eclipse, and possibly het Tremper too. Could be Enigma Abyssinian het Eclipse/Tremper/Blizzard, Enigma Abyssinian Eclipse het Tremper/Blizzard, or if the eyes are actually red instead of black, Nova het Ab/Blizzard.