I was told he was a mack snow lavender stripe from a well known breeder but not sure he is I kno he has lavender in him but not sure hes a stripe. let me kno what you think.
The carrot tail refers to the orange color on their tail. It's not really a morph but a line bred trait. In order to call it a carrot tail I think its generally thought that the gecko should have a tail that's at least 15% orange from the base (at least according to the wiki). He definitely has some orange on his tail but a lot of normal colored leos do.
I haven't seen any snows with carroting on their tails so I would say no. I'm not a snow expert though Bold stripes start to develop from the day their hatched. You can tell by the pattern on them then (or so I've seen). I've never heard of a stripe developing later and I would assume your guy is close to his adult color.
I would say he can't be a mack snow lavender stripe based on his lack of stripe and his tail color but maybe someone else can chime in?
From what I understand the normal colored lavenders (as opposed to albino lavenders) stem from a line from JMG. In order to truly call something a lavender is has to come from that line but lots of people call young geckos that show a bit of purple color lavender because it seems to fit.
i got him from a family member who got him from underground reptiles and underground reptiles had his line as mack snow lavender strip and from what i heard underground reptiles is a great breeder of leoperds but mistakes do happen was just wondering cuz he is lacking strip but has plenty of lavender in him