need advice


New Member
ok so here is what happened.....i was cleaning out my geckos tank about ago and i just momentarily placed my female raptor with my eclipse het bell male and i seriously had them together for a whopping 2 minutes......she has since then laid two sets of eggs the 2nd set is fertile but its kind of pointless with what has been bred here so what i am looking advice for is should i rebreed her with what i planned to mate her with to begin with which is my tremper enigma het raptor even though she is only 35 grams atm???? she is continuing to lay any advice please?
Thanks, Brandon


New Member
at 35grams Im kinda thinking you should just concentrate on keeping her healthy through the laying process and worry about mating her to what you really wanted next season..JMO.


New Member
yeah i understand she is underweight it wasnt an intentional pairing and ofcourse i am working her back up to proper weight i just wanted a little advice sometimes my head takes me to many different scenarios lol thanks for the replies though!!!


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
ok so here is what happened.....i was cleaning out my geckos tank about ago and i just momentarily placed my female raptor with my eclipse het bell male and i seriously had them together for a whopping 2 minutes......she has since then laid two sets of eggs the 2nd set is fertile but its kind of pointless with what has been bred here so what i am looking advice for is should i rebreed her with what i planned to mate her with to begin with which is my tremper enigma het raptor even though she is only 35 grams atm???? she is continuing to lay any advice please?
Thanks, Brandon

given the fact u are even asking us for advice on re-breeding tells me u had every intention of breeding a leo @ 35 grs all it was suggested i would concentrate on keeping her fed properly and getting her through the stress of laying.What is the hurry on breeding an animal that quick ??
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Carpe Diem
Dallas, TX
if she does lay fertile eggs, i would freeze them and toss them actually. you don't want to cross the albino strains and then offload the babies on someone else.


New Member
NE Ohio
To keep things from getting too complicated you will not want to breed her with a different male this year. The female holds onto the sperm throughout the season. If you breed her with a different male you don't know for sure who's sperm is going to fertilize the egg until after something hatches out. If you did breed her you may end up getting some animals you don't want in the hopes of getting some animals that you do want. Then you have to try to sell the ones you don't want to somebody who is ok with having a pet only animal since you typically don't want to cross the albino strains. Breeding her to a second male could stir up an entire hornets nest of practical and ethical issues. I would keep things easy and just discard her eggs this season. I actually had something similar happen. A girl that should have been a bell must have been a tremper because we got a normal out of a pairing between her and a bell male. We sold the one offspring for I think $10 as a pet only, and discarded the rest of the eggs. Accidents happen, so don't feel too bad. If anything you have learned that a spare perforated gladware container might be the best place for your gecko while doing any cleaning.


New Member
@ roger if you read what i posted originally it was not an intentional pairing i dont breed my females until they are 55 grams or higher so please take it down a notch this is the first time has happened to me and i was just looking for some guidance thats all
@ Fuzzy and AJ thanks for the advice i plan on throwing out any eggs thanks for the positive reinforcement


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
@ roger if you read what i posted originally it was not an intentional pairing i dont breed my females until they are 55 grams or higher so please take it down a notch this is the first time has happened to me and i was just looking for some guidance thats all
@ Fuzzy and AJ thanks for the advice i plan on throwing out any eggs thanks for the positive reinforcement

Nothing against you but if u post also be prepared to be critiqued.If u read my reply I also gave u suggestions along with my criticisms.


New Member
yeah you did i appreciate the input she has already bumper herself to 42grams and to be honest i am beginning to think she didnt even mate because they have all been duds which i am happy about because i would hate to throw away good eggs!!! but nonetheless she will not be breeding this season lol thanks everyone!


New Member
Were you cleaning both tanks at the same time or put one gecko in the others tank while you cleaned? either way let's use this as a lesson for those reading that might think its ok to put two geckos together that aren't of appropriate size and weight to breed, It doesn't take long at all. I'm glad that your girl didn't have any complications.


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
yeah you did i appreciate the input she has already bumper herself to 42grams and to be honest i am beginning to think she didnt even mate because they have all been duds which i am happy about because i would hate to throw away good eggs!!! but nonetheless she will not be breeding this season lol thanks everyone!

If u could bump her up to 50 grms that would be great.First time breeders will sometimes lay infertile eggs

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