Need fast help with worms in a cricket container


New Member
I just went to feed my leos and I was counting the crickets, all of a sudden I see little striped worms about the size of a medium mealworm. These where no mealworms they creeped me out. They where, I think prickly, and striped. They didnt seem to bother the crickets but followed them and there were at least 3 of them and on or 2 dead ones. WHAT ARE THESE!!?!?!?! Please help I dont know if I should still feed those crickets in the box! What should I do kill them?


Kind of hairy looking worms? Not a problem if they are and in my opinion completely harmless. When we use to purchase crickets from our local cricket breeder there were always a few of them within each shipment. They look like the king size version of a wooly bear grub and like them they too developed into a small beetle. I do not know of anything that will eat them either with the exception to maybe fly fishing. If they are a larger form of a wooly grub them I wouldn't want them inside my house. Wooly grubs suck the moisture out of fabrics like clothing, bedding, paper, cardboard, and carpeting. If you do a search for these guys online the term "wooly bug" seems to a generic one. You can sometimes find the smaller version or the tiny beetle in older homes along baseboards but you have to really look for them. The worm can usually be found during the summer and colder months while the beetle can be found usually during the spring until summer.


New Member
thats it, a woolly bug larve! Yay!! Im glad its harmless. I have these in the summer! yaya! Im going to go kill them! Why are they there anyway?

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