Need help finding out what this Gecko is?


New Member
So i was at a Recent reptile show and saw this gecko that i really liked, i have no pictures but i guess i can give all i know about it. It was very expensive in the thousands, it was a very small gecko with a thorny tail, maybe even a Thorny body too. It also comes from Africa in a small jungle. Thats all i got it was only around maybe 2 inches, the thing that really grabbed me was its Thorny Tail.


New Member
Nope, but good guess, if i remember correctly, it was a normal tail but with thorns coming out, they seems fairly long too. It wasnt really all thorny or scalely but more of regular gecko skin with very long thorns coming out on the tail. I think the skin was smooth and normal except for the areas where the thorns where, i man this is hard to explain.


Phoenix Gecko :)

Heres their description:This species is surly one of my all time favorites and has been a long time in the waiting. Really a very unique gecko with some great contrast in color and pattern and unreal spiky texture. This species inhabits the central Namibian desert in South Africa. Watch for updates and more info on this stunning species.


New Member
Hmm, working off memory here, it looks like it but when i go in for a closer look i feel like the one i was talking about had longer spikes on its tail, but then again I'm working of my memory. When i was there i had a felling like oh wow thats a beautiful Gecko and I'm not getting that feeling from that one. Not sure, it does seem to resemble it or maybe it is it? I think its not the same one, but if i cant find any others maybe it is, I'm going to keep looking and if anyone else finds something else please post. Thanks Phoenix for the help, your either got it or are really close, you got some crazy searching So confused now lol, i should of took a picture!!

The guy that was selling it said he only knows maybe 3-4 breeders breeding them and have them, they come from a small jungle in Africa.

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