Need Help From New Jersey Breeders


New Member
I know in New jersey You have to aply for an Animal Dealers Permit to sell animals.

I plan to aply for this but right now I only have 2 geckos that I plan on selling.

My question is do I need the dealers permit if I am not making a profit and/or am not really a business yet. Or do you need it even if your only selling a few animals? I wrote New Jersey Fish Game and Wildlfe and they were no help lol. I don't think they even read my email! The response had nothing to do with my question.


New Member
Dansville, NY
I know a ton of people that breed reptiles and sell the off spring with out any permits or so. They are not big by any means so profit isn;t real high for them. i think the largest has about 60 adults. not sure if this helped you out?


New Member
Thanks rob. I know I could get away with doing it, probably with out any trouble. I would just like to do everything legal so nothing comes back to bite me in the you know what later on.


New Member
I wrote NJ Division of Fish Game and Wildlife again today to see if they could help me with this. It is almost time to renew my permits to keep exotic animals. I would still like any info from New Jersey breeders that could help me. How hard was it to get your business going and did the state give you any crap about it? I just want to know what to expect and how to go about this the right way. Thanks!


New Member
Ok. I found out a little bit of info and figured I would post it here just incase someone else ever needs it and also so this thred would not be completely useless lol.

The permit I already have (Permit to keep exotic animals) covers breeding.
I can breed as much as I want under this permit but can not sell any of the offspring. This permit cost $10 a year

4 weeks before I plan on selling a gecko I must upgrade to a pet shop permit which will alow me to sell to individuals, or I must upgrade to an animal dealers permit which would alow me to sell to pet shops or for wholesale. If You plan on doing both you will need both permits. each are $100 a year.

when You upgrade your permit they will issue you a 20 day temporary permit. They will then inspect your place of business and if they feel everything is good you will be issued your real permit.

The only thing I'm not sure of still is if I must have a separate place of business or if it is ok to sell from my home. I emailed them again with this question and am still waiting for a reply. I will update when I get it.

I hope this information will help someone in the future.


These permits confuse need a pet shop permit to sell to people? Thats odd... what do they expect you to do with the breeding permit? They allow you to breed but not to sell the offspring??? Obviously theres something iffy here. Then again I also need to figure this out aswell... I'm breeding next season.
Honestly I doubt many NJ breeders have a Pet shop permit... that seems rediculous. The real question for me is that if I dont have a permit will I still be able to get a table at reptile shows.. Anybody know?


New Member
I don't know about selling at shows. but I do have some more information.

I wrote them them this email.

11/30/06 3:31 PM >>>
Thank you for the information. I have one question. I will be selling
geckos out of my home. I will not have a separate business structure.
I was
also thinking of maybe setting up a web site and selling them through
that. And
also shipping them to the costumer. I was wondering what the rules and

regulations are in doing this. I noticed a lot of reptile businesses
work this way
and wanted to make sure this is ok in New Jersey.
Thank You

Brandy Kamenski

This was there reply.

4 December 2006

If your intention is to sell from your residence - domicile - it is
highly recommended that you check with your local township or borough as
to their regulations regarding business out of your home. As a state
agency per NJ regulations N.J.A.C. 7:25-4.2 the Division of Fish and
Wildlife does not supersede any local jurisdiction. As far as selling on
the internet, that would be part of your commercial permit and regulated
wildlife inventory, would need to be submitted to our office on an
annual basis with your renewal application, once you have received a
commercial permit from our office. It would also be your responsibility
to comply with any Federal regulations regarding interstate sales of
regulated wildlife species. If you intend to include any mammals in your
sales you would also have to contact the USDA and comply with any of
their Federal regulations.

If you have any additional questions, please contact our office by
e-mail or call (908) 735-5450.


New Member
I would also like to add that any insight from those who are already doing this in New Jersey would still be very helpful.


So selling out of your home you have to contact your town and if you want to sell online you have to pay? How much would that be?


New Member
When you have a home based business there are rules and regulations that every township has. You have to check to make sure you are aloud to have a home based business in your area and would have to abide by the rules. Basicly they are saying they do not deal with the business part they only deal with the animal related permits and it is your responsibility to work out the business part with your township.

They are also saying that selling online would be aloud under the "pet shop" permit. You would need to add and subtrat any animals added or sold to your stock to your permit every year. Just like with the "hobby" permit. When you renew your permit any new animals must be added and any you no longer have must be subtracted. The fee for the pet shop permit is $100 a year. The Hobby permit is $10 a year. You can not sell under the Hobby permit. only the pet shop permit.


Well, my friend "gecko breeder" is his name here has one of his females in hibornation. Once he take it out, which will be soon, in his spring coming up, my male leo will be breeding with the one of his females. But we are not in this for specific breeding. See, my one male and his one female( whom has never breed before) are extremely, and i repeat, extremely well tempered, and for this to be the female first time breeding, we see this as a good match up, for now, but later on, things will be getting much more specific and far a some pedigree breeding. :) But my point being, "gecko breeder" and i will most likely have to evntualy find this out for our selve, so, i myself will now be looking for information, and what ever i find out, i will gladly post here, in hope than it not only helps me, but helps you out as well. :)


I have sold/ given away reptiles to friends without a permit... How are they ever going to know?


New Member
geckolover2006 said:
I have sold/ given away reptiles to friends without a permit... How are they ever going to know?

I might be willing to do that if I was not trying to run a ligitimate business. If I got caught they could take all my animals away and I'm not willing to risk that. I'm sure I could get away with it for now because I will only be selling small scale for awhile but I have bigger dreams then that and don't want anything to come back to bite me in the butt. :main_no:


I don't know about any of the rules etcetera, but I am in New Jersey too so maybe you can send me a really nice one and see if we get caught LOL.

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