Need help sexing my Leopard Gecko.


New Member
Hey everybody.

I signed up and became a member of this site a few months ago. I've pretty much just been hanging around and reading posts here and there. Anyways, I know there is probably a countless number of posts asking this exact same thing, But can anyone give me some details on exactly what to look for and what distinguishes a male from a female? I currently own my Leopard Gecko, Known as Marty for now. Other then my LG I also own 2 beardies, which were fairly easy for me to adapt to and be able to sex with little to no problem. Anyways, Im sorry this is so long. But if anyone could give me like a Step by Step on exactly what to do and look for, I'd greatly appreciate it.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
well most caresheets will tell you what to look for.

But basically pick the gecko up by wrapping your fingers around its side and under its tummy, then turn it upside down making sure the geckos back is touching your palm, they dont squirm if you do this, then look inbetween their legs and look for a chevron (^) shaped arrangement of little holes (called pre anal pores). If it has them its a male, if it doesnt its a female. Though females sometimes have slight dimples, dont confuse these for actual pores, you'll know if its a male.

dont hold it upside down in that position very long its hard for them to breath, but its a quick an easy way.

pic from google to demonstrate.


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