Need Help Switching Leo from Superworms to mealworms.


hey guys, on sunday, i got a great offer. my best friends brother was willing to sell me 2 adult leos (1 Female, 1 Male) that are 2 years old, a 20 Long tank, a hide, 2 light fixtures w/ a day bulb and night red bulb, and a uth for $95. I did accept the offer, and have been at my house since saturday night. I will be postin pics of them soon. The problem is since the female and male have been living together for a while (yea i know they could have bred, but theyre like bro and sis) and theyve been feeding on superworms. I am trying to switch them from superworms to mealworms. Any tips and suggestions? and also, the female is a lot skinnier than the male, not deathly skinny, but skinny. Do you guys think i should seperate them at feeding time, and put the Female into a different tank for feeding?? I am going to seperate them once i build a female tank (30-40 gallon to keep all my females in) and eventually breed them together. One last question, do you think one of them (or both) will stop eating once they get seperated??
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I don't think you should have any problem switching them, I'd offer them both to the gecko's, variety is always good. Just make sure you gutload em up!

I don't think keeping them together is a problem, a lot of breeders keep their females together with a male, but some only for breeding time. I keep mine in separate tanks at all times but I'm not a big breeder either. But the male might take over and eat all the food, I'm sure someone can give you better advice than mine.


ok thanks for teh advice. I always thought if you kept the male and female together, you'd get eggs, until i saw these guys. Ya that is the problem, the male usually gets teh food. Today, i am going to teh petstore to buy some hides, and put the female into the 10 gallon, so she can fatten up. if anyone else has advice, feel free to post:D


New Member
Seminole, Fl
Might want to take to the vet to get checked for parasites. Also, if it were me I'd separate until breeding season (Jan start), that way both are in optimal condition. The last thing you want is a female at a low weight laying eggs and losing weight/nutrition etc. You want her at least 40g or more, so try to get a kitchen scale if you don't have one.
Also keep in mind that the food is only as good as what you gutload them with, and I don't think you should have a prob switching worms. But if so I don't think the price diff is that much off-literally cents off-if you are ordering online. I get my food through grubco. You could always by mealies in big bulk if they end up liking them and start your own colony.

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