need info


New Member
United States
i have my set up for the 3 leopard gecko i have a 20x18x18 and a uth and a red bulb lamp with a dimmer i have 3 hides 2 my wife pick out one is a 3 leve hide that will be on the cool side and a 3 in one rock casle hide wich i was going to make that the shed hide and a rock hide for the hot side now should i put the hot hide on top the uth i have reptile carpet and 3 dishes can anyone give me any more info i might need or am i ok with the hides ?

paul lioi


Ephesians 4:1-6
Columbus, OH
Well your doing more than most..:D. There should be at a minimum 3 hides for housing more than one leo. One cool, one hot (roughly 90 deg or so floor temp, not air temp), one moist. The cool hide off of the uth, the hot on the uth, and the moist IMO on the cooler side. The red lamp overhead light isnt necessary and some would argue that it would cause undue stress on them.

:main_thumbsup: for asking.

Embrace Calamity

New Member
Well your doing more than most..:D. There should be at a minimum 3 hides for housing more than one leo. One cool, one hot (roughly 90 deg or so floor temp, not air temp), one moist. The cool hide off of the uth, the hot on the uth, and the moist IMO on the cooler side. The red lamp overhead light isnt necessary and some would argue that it would cause undue stress on them.

:main_thumbsup: for asking.
Why the humid hide on the cool side? It is generally agreed that it should be on the warm side or at least in the middle.


Embrace Calamity

New Member
Well your doing more than most..:D. There should be at a minimum 3 hides for housing more than one leo. One cool, one hot (roughly 90 deg or so floor temp, not air temp), one moist. The cool hide off of the uth, the hot on the uth, and the moist IMO on the cooler side. The red lamp overhead light isnt necessary and some would argue that it would cause undue stress on them.

:main_thumbsup: for asking.
Why the humid hide on the cool side? It is generally agreed that it should be on the warm side or at least in the middle.

I agree that the red bulb should be tossed. Get a ceramic heat emitter if added nighttime heat is needed.



New Member
United States
i got my tank set up on the hot the breeder said about 85 and the cool try to get it to 75 and i have the hot hide on the uth and one on the cool side and i have my shed in the middle that the warm i have the lamp and uth on to get it to about 85 or so so i should be ok now

Embrace Calamity

New Member
i got my tank set up on the hot the breeder said about 85 and the cool try to get it to 75 and i have the hot hide on the uth and one on the cool side and i have my shed in the middle that the warm i have the lamp and uth on to get it to about 85 or so so i should be ok now
Generally the agreed temp to aim for is 88-93 for the hot side.

Are you keeping three geckos in this enclosure? If so, I would strongly suggest you get hides for each one. If three of them have to share just one hide in each temp gradient, you're liable to get bullying, dominance, and fighting. Some might be kicked out of the hide and not allowed to use it. Frankly, I don't think a 20x18 is anywhere near big enough for 3 leos, or even 2. I use a 30x12 for one and wouldn't dare put two in anything smaller than a 36x18, which is almost double the floor space of yours. If you want to keep them all together, I'd strongly suggest you pick up a 40 gallon or at least a 30 gallon.



New Member
I read somewhere that anything bigger than a 20 can sometimes cause problems because they tend to wander away from the heat source...

I wasn't really sure what to make of that. What do you think?

Embrace Calamity

New Member
I read somewhere that anything bigger than a 20 can sometimes cause problems because they tend to wander away from the heat source...

I wasn't really sure what to make of that. What do you think?
Crap. Geckos aren't exceptionally intelligent, but they're not that dumb. If they couldn't find a warm spot in a 36 x 18 area, they would've died out in the wild a long time ago. Many people keep their geckos in very large enclosures with much success. The only potential issue from a large enclosure is when people still stick with just 3 hides. The larger the enclosure, the more hides there should be. I have 4 hides in my 20 gallon (which I think is minimum for a 20 long), and I think at least one more should be added per 10 gallons. If there's too much empty space, then the gecko will choose security over proper temperatures.



Ephesians 4:1-6
Columbus, OH
Crap. Geckos aren't exceptionally intelligent, but they're not that dumb. If they couldn't find a warm spot in a 36 x 18 area, they would've died out in the wild a long time ago. Many people keep their geckos in very large enclosures with much success. The only potential issue from a large enclosure is when people still stick with just 3 hides. The larger the enclosure, the more hides there should be. I have 4 hides in my 20 gallon (which I think is minimum for a 20 long), and I think at least one more should be added per 10 gallons. If there's too much empty space, then the gecko will choose security over proper temperatures.



I agree, I think thats a little small for all 3. Maybe two but thats pushing it. If you really want to keep them all together Id say go with something larger. And all kinds of hides, or at least good places to hide.


New Member
Okay great cause I really want to get a 40 breeder. Do you have any trouble breeding in a large enclosure? Also, do you get a larger UTH for a larger tank? I make my own with heat tape and I have 3" tape. I'm guessing I'd probably have to double up and do two strips wide?


New Member
United States
well i asked the breeder and told him what i got and how big he thnks its fine and hes been doing it for years so idk but what i have its a 30gal so i have a 3 leve hide and a big rock cave and a rock casele hide for the shed one and hiding spots for them to hide also so i dont know who to belive i seen 4 in a 20gal and they had them in there for years also i think about 4 now and he said there alsome in there so like i said i just dont know

Embrace Calamity

New Member
well i asked the breeder and told him what i got and how big he thnks its fine and hes been doing it for years so idk but what i have its a 30gal so i have a 3 leve hide and a big rock cave and a rock casele hide for the shed one and hiding spots for them to hide also so i dont know who to belive i seen 4 in a 20gal and they had them in there for years also i think about 4 now and he said there alsome in there so like i said i just dont know
Just because people do it, that doesn't make it a good idea. People keep their geckos on calcium sand, but that doesn't mean it should be done. Some geckos might be able to handle it, but they are the rare exception. The reality of it is that it's just stressful to keep so many in such a small enclosure.



New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
Well.. Would YOU want to live with 2 other people in a one bedroom, one bath apartment? Cause that's pretty much what you would be doing to those geckos.

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