Need your help choosing my next Leo. help! :D


New Member
So first off I am looking to start breeding leos. I have been absorbing tons of info talking with other breeders and reading and watching videos. I have had reptiles all my life and think i may be getting the "leo bug". I bought my first leo from Matt Sasobek,she is a atomic x g project het 50% eclipse/tremper.

I also have a Female Super Snow Enigma from Southeastern Exotics.

I just want to kind of enjoy and collect some cool females first before breeding. I want to get one more female and obviously a male, to make a den of 3 female and introduce the male when ready for breeding. I am still learning the genetics and what types of leos are possible to hatch when bred with other certain genetics.

What I need some help with is considering the 2 females I already have, what would be a good choice for genetics for a female and male to buy next? I have a budget of about $1k for both so around 500 ea. I am more interested in getting the female first. I really like the selection that TUG just put up this morning. Leopard Geckos | The Urban Gecko What do you think would be a killer female to get next? and what type of male later down the road? I appreciate any input i can get. Thanks!

couldnt get the uploader thing to work but heres some pics of my 2 females.

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