Neglected Leopard Geckos - URGENT


New Member
My mother and I are trying to nurse back to life two geckos that have been seriously neglected.
I dont know much about them as they werent mine but they were both without water or food. Gecko one has come around well and is eating and moving sharply again and hiding but unfortunately gecko two is cold and really pale, his tale has shrivelled quite small and his skin was unable to shed (due to the lack of water and humidity in the cage) so it was covering its whole body even its eyes and mouth. We put it into quarantine and rubbed it with vaseline and have removed with tweezers the skin from its eyes and mouth ( i know this isnt recommended but it was a desperate situation)

Now it is back with the other one but still very lethargic and just laying not trying to hide and not going to the heat mat, we have seen it have a tiny drink of water but only once and it still isnt eating.

I really want to help this Lizard and am so upset and traumatised by how it has been left. Please help me if you have any advice. Like I say i know nothing about them.



New Member
Keep them separated. You do not know if one, or both, is infected with parasites/disease(s). They need to be in quarentine enclosures with as close to a sterile environment as you can provide. Paper towel substrate, as you can immediately spot any defecation, vomitting, bleeding, etc, as well as change out the substrate easily. Try bathing the worse off individual in luke warm baths with unflavored pedialyte and just a tiny amount (a capful) of white vinegar.


Winchester, UK
whats the vinegar for? and a cap full could be way to much if its only a small leo.

You can try mixing up the feeder insects into a paste or "slurry" with some calcium and vitamins. dab it onto its lips (be careful not to get it in its nose)
they dont like things around their mouth so it should lick it off.

If the leo is to weak to get to the heat pad might be a good idea to place it on it your self for a while to warm him up.


New Member
The capful is to go into the bath with the warm water and pedialyte. It acts as an antibacterial agent (same reason I use it to clean my enclosures).

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