NERD ALERT! E3 is almost here!

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
The Electronics Entertainment Expo or "E3" starts on July 11th. I record and watch Attack of the Show on G4 every night before I head to bed and I'm pretty excited for them to be covering E3 soon. I was just wondering what everyone is looking forward to this year. Here's what I'm looking forward to:

Starcraft 2 (Ahhh, I love you Blizzard, even if it's an 08 release!)
Bioshock (Any new gameplay)
Spore (Any info, if it ever plans to come out)
Call of Duty 4 (Modern warfare, finally)

Halo 3 (Maybe a look at some single player gameplay)
Gran Theft Auto 4 (Any gameplay)

Metroid (Any gameplay)

Nintendo needs to get out of their game slump. My Wii has been collecting dust, there's nothing worth buying. The fun party/mini games are only fun for so long.

Killzone 2 (Any gameplay)

I haven't jumped on the PS3 bandwagon yet. I'll probably buy one in a year or two used for something new to play with, especially if they have a next gen God of War title coming out.

I'm not sure what game I'm anticipating the most. I will say I'm really over the Halo series, but I still have to buy it since it is fun (for so long) and everyone and their brother will be playing it online. I just don't think there's going to be enough new things to make go wow. I think Starcraft 2 is going to be great even if it's only a revamp of an old game. There's rumor of a new race which would be awesome. I can't imagine Blizzard letting us down, they're hands down the biggest name in the business IMO. I won't go near WoW even with a 10 ft pole in fear of it ruining my life haha, but I do know people love it. GTA4 should be pretty fun too. I'm ready to finally see some nice looking next gen graphics on the game. I just hope the ESRB doesn't make Rockstar tone the game down...that's what the Mature or even Adult title is for.

Anyways, I can just ramble on about games, but feel free to post if you're looking forward to anything. It's good to not feel alone and nerdy :D


Bells Rule!
I wonder if Sega is ever going to come out with a new console? They have a huge market in Japan...

I don't play much, but I'm looking forward to GTA4...


YES Finally Starcraft 2 only took them about 10 years lol :)

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
Nigel4less said:
YES Finally Starcraft 2 only took them about 10 years lol :)
Yeah, I know. The best selling game of all time is back...well soon.

They have a 20 minute gameplay video here: Ahh, I'm soo excited. I played this game on BattleNet soo much. I had my own clan, website and everything haha. I want them to set a release date at E3.


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
Not too much of a gamer myself but I do indulge on the better ones, and some that pique my own fancy.

I agree Ryan that I don't plan to jump on the PS3 bandwagon any time soon. Its just too expensive and there aren't any amount of good games for it yet. Although when God of War 3 comes out I may succumb to the system. I also am excited for the releases of FF13 and Devil May Cry 4. Oh yeah, sweet demon killing :thumbsup:.


o0 Ryan 0o said:
Yeah, I know. The best selling game of all time is back...well soon.

They have a 20 minute gameplay video here: Ahh, I'm soo excited. I played this game on BattleNet soo much. I had my own clan, website and everything haha. I want them to set a release date at E3.

UsWest Server for Life :)! I used to love :) to addicting now my geckos are my addiction lol


im actually on battlenet right now lol. Playing Diablo two. All my high level chars are deleted because I didnt log on for like a year, but right now I have a level 41 sorceress that Ive been playing for the past two weeks. Im not really looking forward to any game releases... I get into games and play them day and night for like a month strait then never touch them for months...

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