New animals


New Member
St. Paul
I went to my first ever reptile expo today! I was going to get a ball python, a steppe runner, or a grey-banded kingsnake. Well, the decision was really easy since there weren't any steppe runners or grey-banded kingsnakes. I got a probable male normal ball python and named him Oliver. I had seen a really cute crestie so after lunch I decided to go back for it. I went straight to the booth and bought it and before I could leave I ended up finding a steppe runner so I got that as well. Was only going to get 1 animal and came home with 3! I'm assuming the steppe runner is a male since no one is really selling females. Although, it's probably too young to sex so it could turn out to be a female- that would be great! I've decided to call him Digger because he's been digging a LOT and I've been saving that name for an animal that digs lol. The crestie I think is too young to sex, it's pretty small. I haven't decided on a name yet. Can anyone tell me what the morph of the crestie is, I don't know anything about their morphs, but I think it's just a normal one because it was one of the cheaper ones and it didn't say anything else on the container other than 'crested' 20130427_113255.jpg 20130427_161327-1.jpg 20130427_152024.jpg


New Member
St. Paul
His body is the length of my finger! I have seen them at petsmart before and they were quite a bit bigger. He's captive bred so I'm hoping he'll be somewhat easy to tame once he's a little bigger.


New Member
St. Paul
He's already eating like crazy! How much do you feed yours at a time? I've been giving him the same as my hatchling leopard gecko, about 7 mealworms a day.


New Member
3 Year Member
They all look really nice! Especially the ball python! I dont know much about cresteds, but i would say maybe a flame, or harlequin....


New Member
St. Paul
I've been hand feeding my steppe runner and he's getting peetty comfortable but I haven't been able to hold him. Oliver is pretty tame already- snakes seem easier to tame you pick them up and they're like whatever. The crested gecko tries to jump but is getting better.

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