New baby leopard


The Geckonator
Winnipeg, MB
Hi all.

I'm a newbie to both the world of geckos and this forum. I've done a lot of research beforehand to set up my new little friend's home and now, I have my little friend, who I'm told was incubated at 81F and is thus likely to be a female. She's currently only about two months of age and carries herself like a little dinosaur - head held high, body off the ground, tail chubby and colours vibrant. All in all, a very healthy-looking little lady. :)

I haven't taken any pics of her in her new home yet, as she's only just arrived, but this is a pic that her breeder had given me:


Yeah, it's a pretty terrible photo, but that's why I wanted to get a look at her personally, and I'm very pleased with her appearance. The only thing that weirds me out a little is how the sides of her head and midsection seem to be getting drawn in and out like she's panting. Is that normal? It's slowed down in the past 20 minutes or so and, when placed in her new home, she made a mad dash for the heated shelter. She's now curled up at the very back of it, eyes opening and closing gradually.

I will eventually be getting better pictures of her, as soon as she's more comfortable with coming out for a photo shoot. Hope she has a great life. :)


The Geckonator
Winnipeg, MB
Thanks all. I gave her an early lights-off time so she could safely explore her new home. She's ventured out and has been indeed exploring, but heaven forbid one of the giant humans sees her, because then she's back in her shelter faster than you can blink. To my knowledge, she has yet to dig into her dusted mealies, her water, or her vitamins.

I'm looking into getting a low-wattage red light bulb so I can keep an eye on her at night without her bolting. Still undecided on what to name the little tyke.


The Geckonator
Winnipeg, MB
Hi all.

Last night was an important night for the little girl. She spent much of her darkness-time exploring her new home, climbing on top of everything... and into everything. There is a trail of foot-shaped vitamin dust prints tracked all over her carpet now and a pair of drowned mealworms, plus one escaped worm (how did she manage that..?). As I was cleaning up this party, I found another escaped mealworm... or, at least in the darkness, I thought it was a worm. It was not. It was poo. Cold, smelly gecko poo.

See? Important night. First exploration... first mealie drowning... first poo.


New Member
NE Ohio
Sounds like you are having fun with her. Once she stops running away at the sight of you then the fun begins with hand taming her. Just wait until she realizes you are the supplier of food. She'll be running to you instead of away from you.


The Geckonator
Winnipeg, MB
We actually had a moment yesterday while I was rearranging her hides to give her more space and more dark places to chill in. Despite being temporarily uncovered when I removed her shelter from over her, she took to following my wiggling fingers around and licking her lips as she did... so, now I can say my new gecko has thought about eating me.

I got a red light to keep an eye on her at night and she had quite an adventure last night. Climbed everywhere she could, as high as she could, discovered all the new hiding places and decos I put in for her, and ate a ton of mealies. :)


The Geckonator
Winnipeg, MB
New pictures! We're playing a little game I call 'Ninja' lately, where I drop a worm in front of her and she goes into ninja mode - spring forward, become statue still until the worm moves... then wham! She was happy to pose for these pictures while we played.







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