new dude!


New Member
murray, ut
hi! im new to the forum and stuff. i live in SLC utah and am a long time herp owner from the time i was a wee lad catching lizards and snakes in the desert. i have 4 leos, two box turtles, a carpet python and a ball python. all of which i have owned for a long time and feel fairly confident in the care and husbandry and morph ID that comes with them. however, i just picked up my first crestie this weekend and so i come here to learn. and from what i see here i have come to a good place to do some good learnin':D

here is my new little friend.
That's how I felt about William... Little did I know he had parasites...
I also felt the same about Oliver, and know he's happily living in my house, as healthy as can be.
Anyway great pick! Once again she is ADORABLE! I love reptiles.

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