New gecko eating the first night!


New Member
United States
I just picked up my new SHTCTB Het tremper 50% Giant TSF and just her settled finally in her new tank and I noticed she wasn't hiding at all, so i decided to feed her. I wasn't expecting her to eat any, but went ahead and tried anyways. She ate one mealie after another, a total of 10 and i found a baby dubia in my mini colony and threw it in her tank and she ate it up too. She just might be a Giant, especially with that appetite. :main_thumbsup::D


New Member
Shelton, WA
The appetite wont determine if its a giant or not, I have non giants that eat a LOT and put weight on like any non giant, the only way to tell is how fast its growing within its first year. I believe for a giant males must reach 80-110 grams and females 60-90 gram within their first year and for a super giant males must reach over 110 grams and females over 90 grams within their first year.

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