New gecko today?!?

Irish Stout

New Member
I'm very sure that I will purchase a new gecko today. I've just got a 30gal. tank for like 10bucks at goodwill and I'm planning on buying some repticarpet and i have a sq. ft. of some natural tile.
I also plan on buying a digital thermometer, a way better UTH*(recommendations plz?) i have a flukers small one now its weak as far as I can tell. Anyways long story short I'm setting up the big tank but it will not be ready untill a while later. In the meantime I have a 10gal. tank that is set up nicely to keep them temporarily in.
I have a female that I've had for a month since she was a juvie and the gecko I buy is most likely a juvie aswell. Should i have any concerns... I will have practically 2 setups if there are problems though. Any advice is appreciated. :)


Geckos of Oz
Las Vegas, NV
It is always recommended that you quarantine any new animal for a few months before introducing them to others. It eliminates the possibility of any hidden sickness from being spread to your healthy collection. Your setup looks nice, I really like the natural tiles :main_thumbsup: they works great for my breeders tanks. I have just a small section of my cool side with paper towels. They go potty on the paper towel which make cleaning really easy. The carpet is nice but the reason I don't use it is because unless you wash it every few days fecal matter and bacteria will build up to unhealthy living conditions for your guys. I use chlorhexidine and healthy habitat for cleaning and disinfecting solutions. If they are going to be living together make sure you only have one male per tank. Males will fight each other. Heating pads I really like these ones.
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Irish Stout

New Member

Thanks for your pointers, there greatly appreciated. I'm super interested in these guys and would like to go to school for Zoology. I figure caring for 2 of these fellers would be a good stepping stone into the whole world.


New Member
nice set up.... aren't they the best?! LOL I started with one now I have 6 and counting it's addicting

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