New guy here


New Member
Slidell, LA
Good evening everyone. My name's Corey, and if all goes well, I'll be picking up my first Leo tomorrow at a local reptile show. It's been a long time since I've had any reptiles, so it feels good to be back. One question I had though, was how you guys keep your leo enclosures from getting too cool on the cool side of the tank? I have my terrarium set up already, aside from the rock hide I'll be building this weekend for the cool side, and the cool side feels awfully cold. I do keep my room "like a meat locker" as my girlfriend says, and I thought maybe covering some of the top wouldn't be a bad idea? I'm already planning on adding at least one ceramic emitter, and a night time bulb (on a timer). I forgot to get a thermometer when I ordered everything, lol, so I can't tell you what exact temperature it's at just yet. Just added the substrate this evening, so it's still getting heated up to temp. Here's what I'm working with so far:


Mind you, the stack of rocks on the left size will be assembled and glued together once I get a chance to go to the hardware store. I do plan to add a couple succulents to add some color and depth. Oh, and the heat pad is on a Repti Temp 500R, and I'll add the emitter to that as well.


New Member
Most recommend that your UTH take up one third of the bottom of your tank does yours. Also is you UTH inside the tank under the tile or under the tank? This will make big difference.


New Member
Slidell, LA
Most recommend that your UTH take up one third of the bottom of your tank does yours. Also is you UTH inside the tank under the tile or under the tank? This will make big difference.
It's a 12x8 pad, so just slightly under 1/3. It's attached to the bottom side of the tank. However, underneath the tank is styrofoam to prevent the heat from interacting with my dresser. I had originally intended to use reptile carpet, but decided instead to use slate.

EDIT: It's a Zoo Med Reptitherm 12x8 16w UTH. I hear these things get stupid hot. Back in the day, my parents got me some cheapie thin UTH for my corn snake that barely got warm. Needless to say, I had to have one hell of a basking light, lol. Made my room hotter than hell in the summer
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New Member
Orlando, FL
I have a 20 gallon tank as well and I think my Leo's cool side is about 72 degrees...but he also has a moist hide in the middle and 2 warm hides. He goes back and forth from hide to hide and seems comfortable with the temperature. I have a UTH under my tank too and I use ceramic tile and it doesn't seem to get super hot but I have it on a temperature setter so I can make it cooler or warmer depending on the weather outside and what it does to my house.


New Member
NE Ohio
For one thing, I have a dedicated reptile room and it is small. Only 8 feet by 10 feet. So with the door shut, heat lamps on the diurnal guys, and the heat running in the winter it gets toasty in there. I have the most problems in the spring and fall when it is chilly but not cold enough for the heat to be running a lot. What I do though is cover the tops of all enclosures so that heat does not escape through the screen tops. I'm also thinking about insulating the sides and backs with Styrofoam sheets, but haven't done it yet so can't comment on that. My leo enclosure has an ultratherm heat pad, size of 11 inches by 11 inches. We had a chilly night last night and when I woke this morning the cool side of the leo cage was down to 69.5 so he was of course laying on his heat pad. Within a couple of hours the cool side had gone up to about 72 or 73.


New Member
Slidell, LA
So I picked up a beautiful adult female today at the reptile show. She's just now starting to shed, so her colors are muted. Inside of her warm hide (where the thermostat probe sits) is 92.6 degrees. A little warm, or is this about right?


New Member
Orlando, FL
My warm hide area ranges from about 90-92 degrees depending on temp inside and outside the house so I think your fine. As long as you have a cool side she can go to to cool down, she should be good with that. Post some pics of your new leo :)


New Member
Slidell, LA

She finally decided to leave her deli cup and explore. After tasting EVERYTHING (good thing I scrubbed all the decor with warm water and mild soap a few days prior), she seems to have settled on a set of tiles outside her hide. She's been laying flat on her belly and occasionally licking her eyes. The cup said RAPTOR, but being a novice and having her in the middle of shedding, I can't really tell. Regardless, she looks like a good feeder, based on her tail and arm pits, and had a fairly calm (but not lethargic) demeanor. I'll be turning her deli cup into a moist hide to assist her shed. What do you guys think? Did I do good?


The cool side of her tank is about 75 degrees right now.


New Member
Slidell, LA
She went into the warm hide and started rubbing her body against the rock to break the loose skin. First day of owning her and I'll get to watch her shed. Awesome.


New Member
Slidell, LA
She works fast. Already got 90% of her toes shed. All that's left is her tail.

Delicious... skin? lol

Took this one with my phone. Does NO justice. She's quite vibrant.


New Member
Orlando, FL
Awww she is beautiful and a big girl...her tail is huge! Glad she is liking the set up and yes, you did good! Where did you get the backing on your viv that she is climbing..thats cool!


New Member
Slidell, LA
It came with the terrarium. It's an Exo Terra 24x18x12. I'm glad I got it instead of the 18x18x12. She moves around a LOT. They sell the foam background separately as well, if memory serves me correct. Hopefully tomorrow or the next day she'll be comfortable enough to eat.


New Member
United States
Nice set up, I have the exact same tank and am using slate tiles, I took the background out due to crickets climbing up it and hiding behind it, where the Leo can get to. Beautiful Leo by the way.

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