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Hey everone im a farly new gecko breeder i have a total of 7. 3 males 4 females. I would like to know y havent any of my geckos start to breed is going on march and nothing still has happend yet am i doing something wrong someone please let me know any that i might not know thank you very much JoHn


More information

they are full grown my super hypo tang carrot tail is about 45 g and my other 2 female are well over 50 g the tangiarens are in a 20g H and the other 3 male and 2 females are in a 55 g. I have over head lighting and under tank heat in the 20 g not the 55 bc the 55 stays at about 85 on cool side and 92 on warm side and 79 at night both tanks are he same temps i all so have timers set for the tanks it goes on at 7am-6pm then night comes on at 6pm-7am know last year my geckos breed fine but im not sure in they breed early in season or late she was a first time mother i hope i answer your information you need thank you (JoHN) ps i will take picks tonight of my geckos and there homes


New Member
York, PA
I merged your two threads and I moved them to the appropriate forum. I had a really hard time following your last post and I'm still not exactly sure I got all the info. You may want to try using punctuation to make it easier on everyone. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll get tons of great advice here!


they are full grown my super hypo tang carrot tail is about 45 g and my other 2 female are well over 50 g

That is not necessarily considered full grown. They all need to be at least a year old, and all at least 50 grams, preferably 55 or more.

the tangiarens are in a 20g H and the other 3 male and 2 females are in a 55 g.
I really hope you dont have 3 males in the same tank! mature males can fight each other to the death. plus 3 males on 2 females is just asking to stress out the females. ussually people do 1 male to atleast 2 or 3 females. also, a 20 gal tall may be a little small for a pair of adults.

I have over head lighting and under tank heat in the 20 g not the 55 bc the 55 stays at about 85 on cool side and 92 on warm side and 79 at night both tanks are he same temps

you really need under tank heat, aka belly heat, for all leopard geckos. they use belly heat to digest their food. this along with being stressed by to many males may contribut to them not breeding. it also may not be time for them yet.

hope all of this helps a bit


Im sry i didnt mean to say 3 Its 1 male to 2 females. I have a book on them and i have been in the hobby know for about 1-1/2 . Last year my female gave me 6 eggs but only 2 made it and my other female has been ready for a year or so i think maby my male only likes that one female but i thought they liked more then one tho???. So i should get rid of all my lighting and use undertank heaters? and the tank needs to stay at 90-93 all the time?


CoolGecko said:
Im sry i didnt mean to say 3 Its 1 male to 2 females. I have a book on them and i have been in the hobby know for about 1-1/2 . Last year my female gave me 6 eggs but only 2 made it and my other female has been ready for a year or so i think maby my male only likes that one female but i thought they liked more then one tho???. So i should get rid of all my lighting and use undertank heaters? and the tank needs to stay at 90-93 all the time?

Whew! Scared me for a minute. It is possible that one of the females is just not as willing as the other. I would just give it some more time and see, and if you still dont get anything, you may want to just keep the non-laying female as a pet, or trade her for another female. I like to use a low wattage light, because it is the only light my geckos get. i have it on a timer, so they have some idea of day/night. I would definitely suggest the UTH though. Leopard geckos NEED belly heat. you want the pad big enough so about 1/4-1/3 of the tank is 90-93 on the floor and the other side is around 80ish on the floor. Hope this helps you out.


that help alot i just turned of my lighting im not using them not more. I installed the UTH last night to floor is 92 at one side and 75-78 on the other side is this ok for the other sider or do i need to get a small UTH for the other side. And my female is going to lay. How long untill she lays her 2 eggs 2 weeks or long? I also wanted to know what is the highest temp for eggs. Like nothing over 92 or 95 ?


Bells Rule!
Room temperature is ok on the cool side. Since you said you hatched babies last year you'd know how long it takes before they lay... Right???


Yea i think 2-3 weeks between lays. But im not sure if thats what it is i dont know. I just let them do there thing. Last year i didnt hatch my babies my self. A local pet store did it for me. I just wann know what is the highest temp for leopard gecko eggs. The sex of a Leopard gecko is made in the first 2 weeks from they time they are layed? Then you can do color or Lighter and Darker right?

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