New here...couple of pictures and a question :)



We got a new female today. Here are some pictures I took. I've got her in a separate quarantine tank for now to watch her. We let them hang out on the floor for a little bit before that and they acted fine.
Then we tried to put her in with our other female to see how they would act and it only lasted about 2 minutes before Abe decided she didn't like the new gecko on HER hidecave and started biting at her.
Today is a new day and I've stuck new female..(name unknown yet) in the big cage with Abe. They haven't came in contact with one another yet. This is my first multiple gecko experience. We've had our first female for about a year now. How much bickering/fighting is normal and at what point should I say it's fine or get them apart?
We also didn't realize how FAT Abe was until we got her side by side against the new one. :p

Here's a picture of the tank we HOPE they will eventually learn to share. It's new so it looks empty. I'm going to put more stuff in it over the next few weeks. It's like a 40 gallon critter tank. I hope they learn to get along.


Guest aren't working for some reason. I'll try again.









Excuse the messy cage in the background. My eclectus have eggs due to hatch today-tomorrow and I don't want to disturb them. I can't wait until they hatch, it being dirty drives me NUTS. LOL
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New Member
I would remove the heat lamp and sand from the enclosure. Sand can cause impaction and is impossible to keep clean and the heat lamp can stress them out. Goodluck with everything! :)


The size difference may be a factor in their aggression. I had to separate my slightly smaller gecko from the larger one. It seems when they notice they are much bigger they have an attitude and bully the smaller gecko(s). I would wait until the other one is caught up in weight before trying again. Also the amount and size of hides is a factor. I can to get a bigger moist hide because mine were fighting over who gets in it. Sometimes both size and amount of hides help. If there is a big hide and plenty of them less likely to bump heads. Sand can be used at your discresion. Some have had no problems with it some have. Its a risk so if you choose to keep it, observe your geckos and check often. if you suspect they may be ingesting it i would switch. i personally have great success with eco earth (coco fiber). My females seem to get snippy if they are gravid or hungry so that could be it too. If there is a favorite hide that isn't comfortably big enough for both then they definitely wont like each other, especially if its a repti shelter. my geckos love the repti shelter, when i had one that was too small there was a fair amount of bullying. Ideally if all geckos are happy they should rarely nip each other. I would also try rearranging the tank and introducing them after that. i know for my geckos and even my fish it seems to reset boundaries.
Very cute geckos and that looks like one happy dog there in the background :)

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