Hi, I have had a bearded dragon for 3 months and recently decided i had to have a leopard gecko as well! I did a fair amount of research before buying but now that I have it i still have some questions if anyone can help.....
Anyway the only place in my city that had one was pets at home, and the only one they had looked a little skinny. The salewoman actually said that it is a little on the thin side especially the tail (where they store their fat apprently?). Heres a few photos, what do you think does he look a bit skinny? hes 4 months old apprently.
So I have to make sure its eating but since i got it home 24 hours ago it hasnt eaten anything as far as i can see. I have put a bowl of mealworms in and perhaps its eating them when im not watching, but I have also put a few crickets in and it totally ignores them as the crickets run around his head! This just surprises me because im used to my dragon......he gets very excited when im about to give him crikets and runs around chasing them like a nutter. So i expected this from my leo, but the leo totally ignores them even when they crawl right past his nose. Is this normal and he might eat them later or should i worry? Also is it ok just to leave a couple of crickets in the terrarium? i was told that i shouldnt do that with dragons as the crickets can nibble away at the dragon while hes sleeping, is this the case with geckos too?
I have some nutrabal calcium balancer and multivitamin powder......is it enough to sprinkle them over the mealworms and crickets? Or do i need a seperate calcium bowl in there?
I am using a heatmat under the terrarium which is a exo terra 45x45x45cm desert kit one. the temperature is generally around 35c......is this ok or a little too hot?
I bought some kind of fibre substrate that you put the block in water and it expands massively, but i found this to be very messy and seeing as its full of water its left a very soggy base for the gecko to walk around and he has it all stuck to his underside when i take him out (you can see the bits stuck to him and on my hand in the photo). Is there a substrate I can use that is safe to use but also looks nice as i dont want to use something crappy looking like paper towel or repti carpet ? what about aspen or can that cause impaction?
Do i need any lighting in there? the kit comes with 2 daylight bulbs but the saleswoman says I dont have to use them, is this correct? I prefer to put moonlight bulbs in there and have them on during the night. And i take it that UVB isnt necessary unlike with my dragon?
thats all the questions i can think of for now so any help appreciated, and sorry for the wall of text!
Anyway the only place in my city that had one was pets at home, and the only one they had looked a little skinny. The salewoman actually said that it is a little on the thin side especially the tail (where they store their fat apprently?). Heres a few photos, what do you think does he look a bit skinny? hes 4 months old apprently.

So I have to make sure its eating but since i got it home 24 hours ago it hasnt eaten anything as far as i can see. I have put a bowl of mealworms in and perhaps its eating them when im not watching, but I have also put a few crickets in and it totally ignores them as the crickets run around his head! This just surprises me because im used to my dragon......he gets very excited when im about to give him crikets and runs around chasing them like a nutter. So i expected this from my leo, but the leo totally ignores them even when they crawl right past his nose. Is this normal and he might eat them later or should i worry? Also is it ok just to leave a couple of crickets in the terrarium? i was told that i shouldnt do that with dragons as the crickets can nibble away at the dragon while hes sleeping, is this the case with geckos too?
I have some nutrabal calcium balancer and multivitamin powder......is it enough to sprinkle them over the mealworms and crickets? Or do i need a seperate calcium bowl in there?
I am using a heatmat under the terrarium which is a exo terra 45x45x45cm desert kit one. the temperature is generally around 35c......is this ok or a little too hot?
I bought some kind of fibre substrate that you put the block in water and it expands massively, but i found this to be very messy and seeing as its full of water its left a very soggy base for the gecko to walk around and he has it all stuck to his underside when i take him out (you can see the bits stuck to him and on my hand in the photo). Is there a substrate I can use that is safe to use but also looks nice as i dont want to use something crappy looking like paper towel or repti carpet ? what about aspen or can that cause impaction?
Do i need any lighting in there? the kit comes with 2 daylight bulbs but the saleswoman says I dont have to use them, is this correct? I prefer to put moonlight bulbs in there and have them on during the night. And i take it that UVB isnt necessary unlike with my dragon?
thats all the questions i can think of for now so any help appreciated, and sorry for the wall of text!
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