new leo lover :-)

Briana Catron

New Member
new york
Hi everyone my name is Briana and I got my first Leo 2 weeks ago and I am soooo in love! I was told he is a emerine blood tang and is 4 months old. He has beautiful lavender coloring and a heart shaped spot on his back!! We named him lav! I'm very knew at owning a reptile anything important I should know?

Briana Catron

New Member
new york
Well I just moved him to a 20 gal long he has uth, reptile carpet, a medium repti shelter and a wood hide thing on hot side, wet hide container and paper towel roll on cool side with his calcium and water bowl. I tried the worms in the bowl but he do sent eat them. He also just started to have diharrea and wasn't eating for 2 days but he shed last night and ate 2 Med meals an hour ago. Am I missing anything?

Embrace Calamity

New Member
Move the humid hide to the center (if you meant that was on the cool side too). That way the gecko can use it without cooling down their internal temperatures too much. How are you measuring temps? And what specific supplement(s) are you using?

Also, how many times has it had diarrhea? If it's still having it, you should take a sample to a vet to be checked for parasites.


Briana Catron

New Member
new york
Before I switched cages he was eating worms and crickets now he barely eats the worms I'm worried about him. And also I had a 50 watt red light on him and shortly after the diahrrea started could the light b the reason? I stopped the light today to see but he hasn't pooped yet.

Briana Catron

New Member
new york
What do u mean in the center? More towards the hot but not directly on uth? Also the directions on the shelter says don't put on or under heat but he spends all his time in there so I have it on the uth is that making him sick?

Embrace Calamity

New Member
What do u mean in the center? More towards the hot but not directly on uth? Also the directions on the shelter says don't put on or under heat but he spends all his time in there so I have it on the uth is that making him sick?
I mean in the middle of the tank. The UTH should be all the way to one side (left or right, take your pick), and the other side should have no heating to provide a proper temperature gradient. So put it right in the middle of the tank where the temperatures are moderate - not warm, not cool.

I assume you're taking about the humid hide when you say "the shelter"?
So with that vitamin you listed I don't need to use the one I have anymore? What about the d3?
The one I showed you covers everything. That's the joy of it. Some people say you shouldn't keep D3 in the enclosure because there's a risk of overdose, but I can't attest to that being true.


Briana Catron

New Member
new york
Omg overdose I would be devastated. I will go buy it tomorrow do you know what stores sell it or should I get it online? And yes a wet hide I keep a moist paper towel on the bottom of a Tupperware with a hole on the side and he also has a paper towel roll for a dry cool hide is that dangerous? Thank you so much for all your help!

Embrace Calamity

New Member
Like I said, I'm not sure if the overdose thing is true. Some say it's not, some say it is. I'm not a vet, so I won't say either.

You should be able to buy the stuff I showed you anywhere that sells reptile stuff.

And no, none of that sounds dangerous. Sounds good. :)



New Member
They can overdose on d3 some say they naturally won't because they would regulate what there intake is, but if they are licking it here and there and getting it on feeders, I would defiantly think it's a higher probability. It can happen

B&B Geckos

The reason it stopped eating and has diarrhea is stress. If its beginning to eat it is starting to settle down. Please watch this video about acclimating your gecko.

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