New leopard geckos eye is shut?


New Member
Hi I bought a very skinny juvenile leopard gecko from a store and it seems her eye is shut ( only one )
I was just wondering what this could be?
I have put her in her moist hide for now.
I really need to know what this could be so my male doesn't catch it!
Always always always! quarantine new pets from old pets. At least 60 days. For the reason we dont want your old baby to get sick from a new baby, seen or unseen illness.
If you got her from a store with sand, it may be just irritated. Or, considering she's skinny, she may have been bullied by tank mates and got a eye injury.
Either way, I'd give her a nice warm bath and try and run some water over the eye, it will wash any infection or sand in it.
If this doesnt help, a vet vist might be in order, Im sure they can give you some drops to help her out.

Best of luck. <3


New Member
ok, I will separate them now I had the 2nd tank ready, there were no other leopard geckos there, only the male I bought 1 month ago and this female.. they did have calci-sand in the viv but I will try the bath, may be a bit tricky seems shes new and a bit scared still, but at the min she's chilling in her moist hide hopefully that will help. ( I was thinking it could be something to do with shedding. )
Thanks for the reply!

SC Geckos

New Member
Hi I bought a very skinny juvenile leopard gecko from a store and it seems her eye is shut ( only one )
I was just wondering what this could be?
I have put her in her moist hide for now.
I really need to know what this could be so my male doesn't catch it!
Was her eye like this when you purchased her?
There is a number of things that can cause eye issues. Only a vet will be able to determine what it is and how to address it. I would recommend taking her to the vet ASAP. Even if something got in her eye it can quickly become infected. If it happens to be some sort of eye infection it can (in some cases) spread to the other eye and if not treated can cause blindness or worse.

I'd give her a nice warm bath and try and run some water over the eye, it will wash any infection or sand in it.
It may be possible to flush sand or other material out of her eye but it will in not "wash out the infection".

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