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New Member
Hello all,

Been lurking here for a few years just to read from time to time. Used to have a few geckos but moved on to other species. I miss having geckos around and my son finally decided he wanted to raise geckos so we are putting together a huge community tank for him now. I can't wait to get it up and going so my son and I can do this project together. My son is 11 and this will be his first real "pet" type project, of course under my strong watchful eyes. Other than that I raise western hognose snakes myself. Looking forward to sitting down from time to time with my son on here to spend some good quality time reading. If anyone has a few low end females they would like to sell as a group please feel free to PM me with details. We may breed in the future but for this first year it will be a learning experience for him before we move on to breeding. I will try to get some pics up of our setup later on. I do have a rack system but I am planning on doing a 75 gallon communal type tank.

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