hello my name is scott i live in dayton ohio. and this is my gecko.
we had one for maybe 4 months and he started going down hill. took him to the vet. told him everything about the lighting etc. he said he needs the uv light all we had was the heat bold and the heat pad under the tank. so we went out bought the uv bold and bought some caloric supplement cause he wasnt eating.we took the sand out as well.not even 2 days later he died on us
.ill have some questions for ya in other forums cause that was just a bumb deal.

we had one for maybe 4 months and he started going down hill. took him to the vet. told him everything about the lighting etc. he said he needs the uv light all we had was the heat bold and the heat pad under the tank. so we went out bought the uv bold and bought some caloric supplement cause he wasnt eating.we took the sand out as well.not even 2 days later he died on us