New Post: Interview with Ron Tremper & blue leopard gecko project debut

Select Gex

New Member
Boston, MA
Gecko Time is proud to present an interview with the famous Ron Tremper of Ron was even kind enough to give us a glimpse at the blue leopard gecko! This interview can not be missed.

Interview with Ron Tremper of | Gecko Time

Ron has been interested in reptiles since he was 6 years old collecting turtles and tortoises and later served as Curator of Reptiles at the Fresno Zoo in California. He started the Center for Reptile & Amphibian Propagation in 1981 and have pioneered such species as Argentine Horned frogs, Veiled and Panther chameleons and Leopard geckos.

Be sure to go by Gecko Time and leave a comment on the interview!! Thanks.

Sunrise Reptile
New Haven, IN
Awesome stuff, Matthew! :main_thumbsup: I'm left with just one question though...

Center for Reptile & Amphibian Propagation

Would the acronym for this be "CRAP"? :main_laugh: Sorry, had to inject a little humor, what with all the tension this interview stirred up in a different thread.

Seriously, you did a fantastic job. That "turquoise" leo is going to be something else! I can't wait to see it in 2010! "tic-toc" ~taps foot impatiently~
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