New Rescue Geckos


New Member
Ontario, Canada
I took over the 'gecko' portion of my friends reptile rescue (after taking on that sick little blizzard girl a few months ago, who was only 26g at her worst and did not make it.) and then a healthy crestie who became my own pet.. and anyway.. 3 girls came home yesterday. 2 are totally fine, big fat girls that were just surrenders as situations changed. One is a really nice SHTCTB.. Big, fat, bright orange girl with a nice personality to boot. No big surprise, she had an application on her and approved (with photos of enclosure she'd be in and lots of questions and the such) the first day I had her listed as available. She goes home on Sunday. The other fatty is a sweetheart of a normal who I already have emails about as well. Both girls are 2 years old. My other girl.... she isn't quite as healthy.

She's very thin, though not as bad as Gracie was..I'd put her at 38g? Maybe less as shes also very small. BUT, she has a killer appetite and is extremely active, bright eyed, etc. She's being fed as much as she'd like with lots of calcium available at all times. She is 10.5 years old and I was told she'd never eaten a cricket in her life and didn't like them .. hahah she ate 11 last night and had eaten every night she'd been home at my friends rescue. ;) She does however have an old injury on her mouth. APPARENTLY, a superworm took 2 chunks out of her upper jaw... I don't really believe that, but regardless, it's an old wound, healed up, but her upper jaw is disformed. she has no trouble hunting though it does impair her catching abilities just a tiny bit..she manages. It does make her look a little bit homely. :main_laugh: When she settles in I'll get pictures of her because she is a fighter! Her name is Twizzle.. terrible I know. :main_rolleyes:She's had it for so long though.

So theres a ramble about gecko girls.

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