New Rescue: Help Identifying Morph


United States
Hello, again I have a rescue whose true colors I have yet to capture on camera.
He is still small, I am guessing around 6 months.
He is very alert and shows interest in food.

He came from this place that gets in all kinds of breeder rejects, so I am not ruling out any morph.
Every other month this guy I know gets in a new male from a breeder that doesn't think they're up to their standards (damaged hemipenes, regrown tails, lost toes, etc.)

Like i said before, his colors are very much brighter and more beautiful in person.
At first I was under the impression that he was just a super hypo tang, but he has soooo much red, and his eyes look more enigma. His tail is regrown, so the pattern won't tell me anything. The only spots he has other than his tail are the speckles on his toes and chin. The "spots" on his back look really weird too, there's one large dark spot in the middle of his back, and two same sized ones on his hips, and a smaller one right at the base of his tail.

The really yellow looking part that goes down his spine is really red, but pretty dull since he's been cold. His carrot tail is super red too.

His eyes are brown. They have the same look as a normal's, only instead of white around the pupil, there's tan/orange. They're not silver like my other tangs'.

I'm wondering, is it possible for a normal super hypo to be this super orange/red? Or is he a blood cross or an enigma? (the only thing making me think enigma is the eyes and weird pattern, he has no signs of the syndrome)


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