New Rescue - Many Questions


New Member
I got this girl two days ago from an acquaintance who was going away to college. She is 6 years old and of good weight (58g). Upon initial inspection she looked pretty alright, just some missing toes and stuck shed. I set up her new tank and left her alone for all of yesterday. Today I took her out to get the stuck shed off her toes and give her a better look.

First, a little background:
-She was on calcium sand (uhg! I'm afraid of impaction, so she will get another warm bath tomorrow)
-I know her crickets were dusted at some point (owner gave me all her old stuff including calcium and a cricket shaker) but the ones I saw in her cage when I went to get her definitely were not.
-She only had two dry hides and a water bowl
-For heat, she had an overhead 75W red bulb and no belly heat whatsoever
-She lost her tail as a baby when her owner was on vacation so the exact cause for it is unknown
-I now have her in a 20gL tank with paper towel substrate, a warm hide over a UTH, a cool hide, two hides in the middle, a moist hide with sphagnam moss, a water dish, a food dish with mealworms dusted in Repashy plus, and a calcium dish.

Now the questions: (refer to pictures below)
-Do her legs look funny to you? Possibly like she might have MBD? I noticed she walks fine, but when she stops she doesn't seem to support her weight.
-Her upper jaw hangs over the lower slightly. Is that common in leos? (I've had over 30 and haven't noticed it before) If not, what does it mean?
-She sometimes breathes loudly, but has no visible mucus. Perhaps she has a slight respiratory issue from the wrong heat or the sand? If so what should I do to try to help?
-And just for fun, I'm thinking she's a Super Hypo Tang Carrot Tail Baldy. Thoughts?


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SC Geckos

New Member
She looks to be a SHTCTB.
Her legs do look rounded a bit (not your typical 90 degree angles). That along with the over bite could be a result of improper supplementation over the course of her life. I am not a vet so I will not call it MBD, but perhaps a calcium deficiency. The seam of the mouth still lines up very well..... so the over bite could also just be simply genetic.
What ever the case may be, I think she is in good hands now and will be just fine.


New Member
She's obsessed with her calcium dish. It's very obvious she was deprived of it in the past by the way she just licks and licks and licks. Sometimes she even takes big mouth fulls


New Member
Id have to agree with a lot of what SC Geckos said. In the first two pictures, her two front legs look a bit off to me. The "elbow" looks quite rounded rather than pointed but I think that with proper calcium supplementation it will correct itself over time. I think the VERY slight over-bite (Its really not that bad from what I can tell in your pictures) is probably a genetic thing it inherited from the parents or maybe incubation was weird--MBD will make the jaw very crooked usually and the jaw on this leopard gecko looks good IMO. As for the "funny breathing" Ive never heard of a leopard gecko getting and RI. They're pretty resistant little guys even without belly heat and no humid hide I very much doubt it would get an RI from that. All in all I think the only thing that needs corrected is those two front limbs. Otherwise, she looks good!


New Member
United States
She's going to become a very beautiful color once you warm her up and she has a few proper sheds. I'd keep an eye on her when she sheds as you can see she has had past shedding issues. And if she's that weight on that sort of diet, i don't have any doubts she will get up to 70g or so in a few months now that she will start eating right. Good job :)

Sent via Tapatalk whilst caring for Eublepharis macularis'


New Member
Thanks for the encouraging words everybody!

Right now my biggest worry is impaction from the sand. No bowel movements yet, but that could be from other factors. She did get a rather lengthy bath the other day with no results so I'll just wait and see. If she continues to eat normally (she clears her mealworm bowl without a spec left behind) then when should I start getting concerned if she still doesn't pass any stool?

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