New stacked pics of my Dane baby!


Lake Effect Leos
Traverse City, MI
My passion, besides the Leos, as some of you know, is Great Danes. :)

OK....I say 'baby', as he is the youngest (3 ;) ). He's just starting to fill out, though, and is getting ready to make his big showring debut! :D He hasn't been in the show ring since he was in the 9-12 month puppy class. He's been a beanpole until a couple of months ago! He's gained over 40 pounds in the past 5 months...finally! :main_laugh: He's the tallest of his litter and taken FOREVER to grow into himself! He's about 38" at the shoulders and 185-190 pounds now. My BIG boy! ;) I was bummed that he wasn't ready for Nationals last October (his sister won her class, though! Woot!!), but we'll be going to Kentucky for Nationals this year, fo' suuuure! *happy dance*

We're working on a little conditioning right now to get the little bit of muscle tone back that he's lost over the's been so darn cold!! Hoping to get him into the show ring maybe May!!

Needless to say, his breeder/co-owner and I are THRILLED that he's turning out like he is and ready for the ring! OK....I'm rambling. Sorry! Without further ado........

Heeeeeere's DaVinci's Phantom of the Opera (affectionately known as Erik):



And a cute one for fun (don't those eyes just melt ya?!):

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very nice great dane i always respect them cuz they are so huge! and the ones i know have a ton of personality haha


New Member
Weymouth MA
I think all great danes are great, big dorks, lol! I had 2 up until they moved into puppy heaven a few year back. He's GORGEOUS! I'm such a sucker for them. Every time I see one I beg the owner to let me pet & hug them. His pictures do absolutely no justice for his size. Best of luck with his return to showing.


New Member
He is gorgeous! I have a soft spot for danes, they're working dogs who are so gentle around people! Good luck in the ring with him, hope he obtaines his title 'drama-free' (as we know, showing is measured in 'dramas' with all the show politics lol)
He's got such a gorgeous sleek coat, and the most adorable face.
I have a slow maturing breed as well (Siberian Huskies) and my show boy is from reeaaally slow maturing lines.
It must feel very good to finally be able to breathe again after waiting for him to finally grow to his potiential :)


Lake Effect Leos
Traverse City, MI
Thank you Jeanine and Alix.

Yes, I'm stoked!! It's taken long enough! lol I do, indeed, hope that the pusuit of his champion title is drama free, although I'm not sure that's possible in the dog show world! ;) I just try to stay out of it and do my own thing. I'm friends with some great breeders, and we just try not to stoop to that level. I'm there to have fun!

Good luck with your show pup, too, Alix! :D

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