New to breeding


New Member
West Virginia
Hello, I've owned Leos for awhile now and always juggled the idea of starting to breed. I've also owned dart frogs, reef tanks and also did a 3 gallon nano reef. I know how to take care of animals and thier settings on a schedule. I've also put on a few reptile expos on with a few friends.

When the oppurtunity to buy someones collection recent came up I jumped at the thought, well after some rearraging and a short drive I now own 48 new leos and about 32 eggs. Along with the racks, incubators and other items. I realize I've dove a little head first but I have no fear that I will figure this all out very quickly. I feel my biggest issue will be learning different morph traits and how toi breed x and Y to get Z and understand why it happened. That is why I joined this site though, so hopefully you guys will be a welcoming bunch and teach me all the things I need to know.


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States


Ridgewood, NJ
Wow 48 geckos are a TON. Get ready for a part time job. I'm breeding 15 females this year and already have over 100 eggs so be prepared! Knowing the genetics of each animal, both visual traits and possible hets, is extremely important in this hobby. If you don't know 100% the babies will be considered pet quality by most other breeders. Getting down feeding schedules, supplementation, alone with space and time management has been huge for me. Best of luck with your new collection!!

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