By no means am I new to reptiles. I am also not stating that I am any type of expert. What I have read has lead me to the conclusion that I can handle housing and caring needs but I do have some things I would like to clear up, if possible.
Is there a specific range of humidity they prefer or is it best to attempt providing the levels in New Caledonia?
I will be using a 75gal enclosure. I have not come across any solid information as to what group size would be ideal. I do not want them packed in but simply a round about number of individuals that will thrive comfortably. The enclosure will be a vivarium so keep in mind the plants will not be super dense do to their needs for growing and appropriate lighting. I do plan on using plants with low lighting needs so not to bother the geckos more than needed.
Quality reading material from credible sources would also be appreciated.
I am also open to suggestions and tips from every outlook.
I am setup for eggs when or if the time comes. I have multiple incubators due to other pets I own. I am not informed enough to be successful but all things come in time. I will state I do not plan on becoming a breeder of any sort. In my past experience happy animals = babies. So I always try to be prepared for it all.
Thank you for reading.
Is there a specific range of humidity they prefer or is it best to attempt providing the levels in New Caledonia?
I will be using a 75gal enclosure. I have not come across any solid information as to what group size would be ideal. I do not want them packed in but simply a round about number of individuals that will thrive comfortably. The enclosure will be a vivarium so keep in mind the plants will not be super dense do to their needs for growing and appropriate lighting. I do plan on using plants with low lighting needs so not to bother the geckos more than needed.
Quality reading material from credible sources would also be appreciated.
I am also open to suggestions and tips from every outlook.
I am setup for eggs when or if the time comes. I have multiple incubators due to other pets I own. I am not informed enough to be successful but all things come in time. I will state I do not plan on becoming a breeder of any sort. In my past experience happy animals = babies. So I always try to be prepared for it all.
Thank you for reading.