New to cresteds - advice on housing


New Member
Hi there,

I'm planning to get a crested, and want some opinions on the size of terrarium I should get.
I know they are arboreal so heigth will be important, but what about width?

I have a leopard gecko for 2 years now and he's in a 60*60*40, but the heigth is wasted on him.

Asides from that, there are so many care-sheets and advice out there, anyone have any preferred or recommended links on cresteds.

Thanks in adavnce


Alberta, Canada
For a hatchling-juvenile, the equivalent of a 10gal set up vertically works well. As an adult, a bit more space is usually recommended - around 20gal. Many people also use the ExoTerra 12x12x18 and that will suffice as well.

However, what you ultimately choose for size will come down to personal preference and your gecko's personality. I have my one crested in an Exoterra 18x18x24 (about the equivalent of a 33gal) and she's incredibly active...I couldn't imagine putting her in anything smaller.

My other gecko is in a DIY sterilite tub enclosure that's around 17gal. She's much shyer and not big on exploring, so she would fare fine in something smaller.

I'll PM you a link to a caresheet that I use.

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