new to gecko land


New Member
Hi all

I recently was given two geckos from someone going overseas With the intention of selling them... but i couldnt bring myself round to doing that. So here i am :).

Need to learn all there is about geckos to make the new additions to my family as happy and comfortable as possible

Attached are pictures. The leopard gecko is is boris. The other one...I'm not sure what kind she is?? But her name is alexis

Thanks all from me , alexis and boris:)


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New Member
Hi and welcome! They are cuties, and both leopard geckos! I'm not too sure on their morphs, but I have one that looks just like the darker one, and he's a dark murpheys patternless. :)

The darker one does look smaller, are you housing them together?
If they already get along, that's great. They can do fine in a 10 gallon, but a 20 long would be really comfy :)
Make sure they have an under tank heater, they have to have belly heat to digest their food properly :) they need a warm side and a cool side of the tank. The warm side needs to be 80-90°. The cool side 70-80.
They need three hides, a cool hide, warm, and a moist. The moist is for shedding, it should have something like moss or paper towels in it to hold the moisture. This one should go somewhere in the middle.
You need to gutload their feeders, this means that before you feed the crickets and mealworms to your Leos, you need to feed the feeders some carrots or leafy greens.
You also need to dust the feeders with pure calcium, calcium with d3 twice a week, and vitamins once every other week.



New Member
Thank You so much for all that info :) At least now I know what they are :)

Yes they are housed together in a big fish tank. I am not sure how to tell if they get along but i dont see fight marks on either of them. They usually hide in separate hide outs. And if they together, they may run over each other to get to where they want to be but I dont see more interaction than that. The spotted one does seem a little jittery though... do you think it has to do with the other gecko?

When I got them, I installed a blue heat lamp on one side of the tank. So the plain gecko has moved so they both share that heated space now. maybe thats why he is jittery? but there are 3 hideouts in that area for them?

with heating: So i have the blue light in the day time, then switch on the the heating pad at that ok? the heating ranges from 75 (night) to 84 (day), that ok?

And Yes, the smaller one is thin. She lost her tail a few months back, just dropped off for no reason. She hasnt been eating since, only a cricket a month. Since installing the heating, she is eating about 4 crickets a week... ill post in other forums for more information about her.

thank you again

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