new to Geckos.. have the main part



alright, Im new to Geckos but Im totally stuck staring at these creatures at my local petstores.. I have a 10 Gallon Aquarium that currently houses a couple tetras, but I can move the tetras over to my other 10 gallon and make a home for a gecko... what will I need besides the tank,UTH,nightlight,temp guages..

Thanks in Advance..



New Member
Dansville, NY
If you do decide to buy a gecko I would recommend buying a gecko from this site uder the classified section or from the breeders at the top of the page. This way when you buy your gecko you will know about its genes and you will know that it is healthy.


gixxer3420 said:
If you do decide to buy a gecko I would recommend buying a gecko from this site uder the classified section or from the breeders at the top of the page. This way when you buy your gecko you will know about its genes and you will know that it is healthy.

i agree, geckos straight from breeders tend to be alot more healthy and get going faster from the start. if you want a nice pet on a smaller buget, then a petstore would be fine. :main_thumbsup: ive seen some good pick ups at petstores.

your ten gallon tank will work fine. and i think i posted in your other thread about the other stuff with heating etc.


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
As for what you need.....

Mr_X724 said:
the tank,UTH,nightlight,temp guages..

Thanks in Advance..


Thats a good start, paper towels are best for the cage floor.

You will need calcium, a multi vite (reptivite or herptivite or both and rotate them sicne one has D3 and the other doesn't), and gutload for your feeder insects. A dish for the mealies, a dish for water and a small dish (a lid from gatorade works well) for calcium.

A humid hide and a dry warm hide and a dry cool hide. Gladware containers are good for the hides. The humid hide, put in some papertowels (or coco fiber or peat moss etc) and keep it damp. For the dry hides you don't need to put anything in them.

You can add a few large rocks to make it pretty and some fake plants if you like.


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
Leos DO NEED a small amoutn of D3 to properly process the calcium. There have been new studies that have shown that 2-4 hours of am and late pm UVB or a small amount of D3 is needed to aid the body in calcium absorption.


Wendy- I would love to read the info on that study-Is it available online?


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
Well I shoudl haev said information not studies. There is an article in a recent reptiles magazine about UVb leos. That wasn't really a study I guess but a vet's advise for leos 2 hours am and 2 pm of a low watt UVb or D3. It appears to some vets that Leos process the UVb and D3 better than non noctural reptiles but they still need it. Ill have to see if I still have the issue to see which one it is but I did keep the article.

My Vet has recommended it for as long as Ive had leos, the 1st course to treat beginning MBD would be UVB or D3 to help with calcium absorption.

Ill see if I can dig up the links.
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Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
A few links about UVB (which promotes D3 production)

Suggest UVB is required:

"UVB light appears not to be necessary, some herpetologists recommend it" but does suggest D3 is needed:

[SIZE=-1]Fluorescent UVB lighting is beneficial also suggest D3 is needed:

UVB not needed, not harmfull but Suggest D3 (reptivite has D3)
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Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
There are just as many links saying no UVB at all but most do say to use D3 from 2 times a week to a few times a month, UVB promotes D3.

My healthiest leos get natural UVB from a window and bask in it a few times a day in the early am and late pm.


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
If you have any of these you can look it up in the leo books too:

The Leopard Gecko in Captivity - Robbie Hamper 2004
page 34 Calcium and Muntivitamins
7 of the recommended supplements have D3
1 Does not
1 is a cricket gutload (that contains D3)

Leopard Geckos - Josh Klvir 2001
Page 13 Vitamin & Mineral Supplements
Reccommends Reptivite weekly (which has D3)

Leoard Geckos & Fat Tail Geckos - Philippe de Vosjoli 1990
Pge 16 Vitamin Supplementation
Reccommends osteoForm with D3 (juvie every feeding, adults every other feeding)

Leopard Geckos - Jon Coote 1993
Page 32 Supplementary Clacium and D3
Be aware that the metabolism of calcium in the diet is not possible without the presence of vitamin D3.

Leopard & Fat Tailed Geckos - R.D. & Patricia Bartlett 1999
Page 23 Feeding - Diet
You should dust food insects weekly with a calcium / vitamin D3 supplement. This is esp importnat during periods of rapid growth or egg production.

The leopard Gecko - Lyle Puente 2000, 2001
Page 80
Most clacium supplements come with added vit D3 that is necessary for the absorption of calcium.

So as far back as 1990 D3 is suggested in low to moderate amounts for proper calcium absorption. Got tired of marking books pages so thats all for now lol
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g man

i agree
i keep a dish of miner-all I in my tank at all times


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC

g man said:
i agree
i keep a dish of miner-all I in my tank at all times

Although I do use and recommend D3 several times a month I would not use it every day in the dish. A pure calcium shoudl be used in the cali dish and Mineral I is only 34-36% cali with a lot of D3 and trace minerals. Using Mineral I daily can also cause problems if you use another supplement that has D3 in it as well, too much D3 can be just as bad if not worse than not enough.

Thing is, I don't think anyone really knows how much leos need and some may process the D3 and calcium better than others.


Stripes are in!
Big Bend, WI
I supplement with d3 once a month, but its in the cage for a week (I change calcium supplements weekly.) Otherwise its straight calcium, or calcium and herptivite as vitamin supplement.

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