new to geckos i have some questions


New Member
miamisburg ohio
ok so my gecko goes to the bathroom in the same spot is it ok to leave a tissue there for it to go on?

and when they shed do they not like to eat?

whats the rate of growth for one?

how drastically does the colors and patterns change from 3 weeks old to adult?

if you can help id appreciate it please & thanks


New Member
I leave paper towel in the spot where they go makes cleaning much easier

I have 3 and only one eats during shedding

not sure

pretty drastic but would depend on morph


New Member
miamisburg ohio
my morph is super hypo tangerine carrot tail baldy so i have been told


Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
The leopard geckos is probably the best known lizard to use defecatoria, or a regularly and consistently used defecation spot. Leaving a tissue there makes for easy cleanup.

They actually do eat their shed skin. I am personally not quite certain why they do this, though I assume the purpose is to obtain some nutrients found in the skin.

Rate of growth largely depends on environmental factors; heat, temperatures, food intake, adequate supplementation, cleanliness of living conditions. These contribute to the overall health of the lizard, and therefore either positively or negatively affect its growth. Genes can also play a role in growth rate though, for example the Giant and Super Giant leopard gecko morphs are genetically predisposed to grow twice as fast and large as regular-sized ones do.

Color change with age depends on the morph of the gecko. I'm sure someone else could provide you with more info on this. In the case of your gecko's morph, Tangerines typically hatch out bright orange with darker bars. As they grow, they lose these darker bars and they become replaced with orange as the gecko nears adulthood.

And yes, your gecko is a lovely Super Hypo Tangerine Baldy. As for carrot-tail, it probably will develop one, although I'm not seeing much orange on the tail in the picture. Will have to see as it ages.
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