New to Geckos


New Member
Hi, I am a proud new owner of a Williams Blue (male) and 2 Chinese Cave Geckos (Hainanensis) unknown sex as they are babies. From the info I have been able to find the 2 Hainan's will do very well with just the ambient lighting in the house as they are night dwellers and need no UVB also their heat requirements should also be taken care on with normal room temp as long as it does not drop below 70. They will be housed in a 24 x 18 x 12 front opening enclosure with coro and top soil mix with Sphagnum on top. . They will have a few hides as well as a few vines and friendly plants for climing. (Right now they are in a small 12 x 8 critter pen with same substrate and a hide with a small vine for climing, as they are just babies) I am misting 3-4 times a day for humidity. Is this info Accurate. For the Williams I have a UVB tube light as well as a Basking light. Basking area is about 90 and the cool part of the enclosure is 75-80. Enclosure is 18x18x18. Humidity is abour 80%
Again hace coco and topsoil with Sphagmum lots of vines and plants for climing as well is high and low hiding areas.


New Member
Hello and welcome! :) those are so cool! I love the colors on them!! I have two pictus geckos, and my female is currently extremely gravid, haha! :) Lovely little lizards you have. c:


New Member
Hello and welcome! :) those are so cool! I love the colors on them!! I have two pictus geckos, and my female is currently extremely gravid, haha! :) Lovely little lizards you have. c:
Nice :) I am getting a female williamsi as well. I hope to breed them in the not too distant future :)

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