New to Geckos



Hi all

I'm getting my first 2 baby cresties in 10 days time. I've found a couple of books on the internet but unsure which would be the best.

The first one is "Crested Geckos" by Adam Black and the other is "Crested Geckos" by Philippe De Vosjoli.

Can anyone recommend which would be best in their opinion.

Many thanks :D


Thanks very much for that......I've order the one from Philippe De Vosjoli :main_thumbsup:

Just want to make sure I know as much as I can before I pick them up!!!


First, I applaud you for taking the time to ask this kind of question and for making the effort to learn about your animals before you buy them. We are all happy to see someone new to the hobby making this effort. We see many people who don't make this effort and then are desperate for advice on how to save a dying gecko. Thank you for the attitude that you're bringing to pet ownership. Your efforts show that you are striving to be a responsible owner, and I hope that you will be rewarded by many years of joyous gecko ownership.

For whatever it's worth, the "best" circumstance is to get and read both books, compare what they say, ask questions about any differences that you notice, and then try to strike the best balance among all of the advice that you get. I'm not very experienced with animals and haven't read that many books about animals. However, my career has put me in contact with a fair amount of scientific research, and I've learned that for almost every question, there are at least two or three "expert" opinions. Each expert always believes that his or her opinion is the "best." For those of us trying to judge among them, the best plan is to learn all of those opinions and then see what works with our animals.

I think I have both of these books, and the de Vosjoli book is great for a start. You'll enjoy the book and learn some good stuff.



I have both books and both are helpful but IMO the book by Adam Black has way more info and is more detailed on everything. That being said search for anything you need to know online there is tons of good info on the web.:main_thumbsup:


Active Member
The web is a GREAT source on crested geckos, i went and read every site i could find before i got mine. This forum too is great because of all the people who own cresties and breed them, they can really help with any questions or info!


Thank you all for your advice and especially to Bill for your kind words. I'm sure I'll end up with both books anyway lol

I've been thinking of getting Cresties for a couple of months now and have spent that time reading this forum and others and trawling the internet for as much info as I can find. Myself and my husband already have 4 Corns and 2 Brazilian Rainboa Boas plus about 100 Betta Splendens (Siamese Fighting Fish) which we breed, 6 dogs and 2 cats lol. So we know how important it is to get as much info as possible so we can make the right decisions for our pets.

I think at this stage the biggest difference in opions I've noticed is which is the best substrate to use. I think I may start with untreated paper towel to begin with as we do with our young snakes.

I'm sure I'll get lots of advice from here which will help greatly in keeping these babies healthy and happy :main_thumbsup:

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