New to geckos


New Member
I recently acquired/rescued a 5 yo female (I think) leopard gecko. She was horribly underweight, couldn't catch crickets, was very dull in color etc etc.
I've got her on meal worms at the moment (though she did catch a cricket the other day!) and got some mineral powder for her today.
She has gained a lot of weight in the two-three weeks that I've had her.
She is in a 10 gallon tank with a heating pad and a light, average temperature being 85 or so. She has a humid hiding spot and one in the warmest corner, a water bowl and cap full of mineral powder.
She is on sand, which I've heard isn't the best, but will have too work until she tames down a bit and I can move her without stressing her out too much.
Here she is!

What is the best food for her to gain weight? What are some other substrates that I can use? Anything that I am missing? What kind is she?

I am open to and would welcome everyone's advice (and name suggestions)!
Thanks in advance!


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
I recently acquired/rescued a 5 yo female (I think) leopard gecko. She was horribly underweight, couldn't catch crickets, was very dull in color etc etc.
I've got her on meal worms at the moment (though she did catch a cricket the other day!) and got some mineral powder for her today.
She has gained a lot of weight in the two-three weeks that I've had her.
She is in a 10 gallon tank with a heating pad and a light, average temperature being 85 or so. She has a humid hiding spot and one in the warmest corner, a water bowl and cap full of mineral powder.
She is on sand, which I've heard isn't the best, but will have too work until she tames down a bit and I can move her without stressing her out too much.
Here she is!

What is the best food for her to gain weight? What are some other substrates that I can use? Anything that I am missing? What kind is she?

I am open to and would welcome everyone's advice (and name suggestions)!
Thanks in advance!

When you can get rid of the sand.she needs the warm end a little warmer.Bump up the heat to 90-95 degrees.She has two hides right?.Whatever she likes just power feed her.Give her a couple of wax worms every month.she needs a calcium dish in her tank.Also dust her food with a vitamin powder.I use MINER I.


New Member
First of all good on you for helping her out :main_thumbsup: Too many people these days get pets that they think look cute or cool without knowing how to look after them properly and then get bored of them or they die. You did a great thing by taking her and comming on here as these forums are the best ive found for info since i got mine a year ago.

Im no expert but she looks either normal or maybe high yellow because of lack of spots on her legs but with her being so dull im not sure.

If you can, get her off the sand. I know theres a big dispute over if its ok or not but with her not being able to catch food too good she might end up with a mouthfull of it.

Paper towel is safe and easy to clean. I use reptile carpet for mine, think its Zoo-Med stuff or something like that. Its soft, easy to clean and i havent had any problems with toes getting stuck on it as its very low pile (i think thats the right term)

I like to keep mine around 95-97 on the hottest side and room temp for cooler. I use a 40w red light during the day and turn it off on a night for a slight temp drop. I have a heat mat too on a thermostat, very important to have the stat incase the mat goes faulty and it makes them easier to regulate so theyre not too hot. Apart from times when they go off food like in the winter or during ovulating with the girlies my geckos eat and poop fine.

I found that mealworms and a few waxworms is good for putting the weight on. Dont need to excessively feed the fatty stuff, it will just happen gradually. Then again some seem thinner/fatter than others so dont worry too much if you dont get a rolly polly gecko. My Bubba eats like a pig and doesnt put a lot of weight on, prolly cos hes so active always climbing and pratting about :main_rolleyes:

Make sure she has pure calcium in a cap or something, i use a milk bottle lid, in the cage all the time. Then dust feeders with it a few times a week to make sure shes actually eating some and use vitamin powder (the stuff with D3) once a week. If you notice little bumps under her arms then just stop dusting with calcium for a few weeks till theyre gone.

Other than that just read a LOT of stuff on the forums, check out the care sheets, dont be scared to ask questions and just enjoy having her :) Give her plenty of time to settle in and then you can start taming her :D

Good luck! :main_thumbsup:


New Member
Thanks for the info!
Okay, so I put a calcium dish in for her, raised the temperature and got her wax worms and some super worms which she gets so excited about hunting down!

Yes she has two hides.

She just shed the other day, so I'll have to put up some more pictures, she looks much brighter!
Thanks again!

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