New to Geckos


S/H Tangerine carrot tail
Hi Matt,
Welcome to GF and lovely to have you with us, i've just checked your link it looks ok for one leo but i would'nt say 2 together.
With my Blaze and tank the full lot i paid was over £200.00

You will need a thermometer set at (26) which works the heat from 72-80 and also an hygrometer and that needs to be between 40-60.
I have a light on mine through the day and come evening i feed her crickets and spray the tank with luke warm water as they love to feel as if they're in the dessert and love the droplets of water that drip down. Then through the night i have an heat lamp which clicks in and out with the temperature.


S/H Tangerine carrot tail
Hi Matt,

Are you all set up yet with your tank & Leo if that was what you was having??

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