New to Leopard Geckos!


New Member
United States
Can anyone help me identify which morph my first ever leopard gecko is? He/She is still only about 2/2.5 inches snout to vent. :) Thank you all! :D Also any advice would be amazing!

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New Member
My first was a chunky gal like that, she grew and shed a lot at that age! I was trying not to bug her a ton when I first got her being my first and reading books that said don't mess with them or you will stress them out and she got some shed around her toes as she shed so much and loss a few, I feel bad about that so that's the only advise I have, Keep a eye on her sheding.

Besides having her a moist hide and a cool hide along with one half on and half off the under tank heater ( mine did have a moist hide from day one but still had problems with sheding) and under tank heater and putting her on paper towels.. plus looking at a good dusting product and gut loading the critters you feed to her before hand.. Just the basic stuff!

Seems like most on here uses Repashy's products.
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New Member
United States
Thank you for all the advice. :) I haven't messed with her since I got her (only a few days ago on Monday), so she could settle in. I'll definitely keep a close eye on her shedding, too. Do you have any favorite hides (brands, etc)? The ones I have for her right now, she'll outgrow soon (hoping she grows healthily). :)

Josh P.

New Member
Thank you for all the advice. :) I haven't messed with her since I got her (only a few days ago on Monday), so she could settle in. I'll definitely keep a close eye on her shedding, too. Do you have any favorite hides (brands, etc)? The ones I have for her right now, she'll outgrow soon (hoping she grows healthily). :)

I'm a fan of Exo-Terra hides for naturalistic terrariums. They look awesome and my leos love them.


New Member
I also like the Exo-Terra hides, I've noticed my albino likes the darker hides best and seems to be more senstive to heat by far then the other Leos. No clue on if the blizzard have the same issuses or not.

I can say a large reptile den has been a favroite of my adult Leos for a cool hide! It's nice as you can open it and take a peek from the out side. I just orded another off Amazon and the magnets where too weak to hold the out side of the den with the tank glass between, so I had to return it, BUT I have one I got at a pet store and it works petfect and they love it so much! So I think it was just a defective product I had bad luck getting.. Of course have it level and make sure tails and toes are not in the way as it snaps back or you could crush something between the glass and the den.

I will be ordering another .. It's so fun for me, really dark for them..they dig it.

I also now have a The Exo Terra Gecko Cave ( it has a bottom) but I need to fill in the packing holes for a better moist hide with aquarium sealant.. as all the water leeks out the holes on the bottom.. a easy fix, but annoying I have to do it to keep the water in as I got it for a moist hide...

I liked how the entrance hole was near the floor on the model I picked, They seem to really be digging the hole near the floor and how dark it is, I did have a taller ziplock Disposable Plastic Food Container when they became adults, but they did not use it too much ( in the day time at least) as I had the hole on the top and they seemed too lazy to climb all the way up to have something big enough for them to fit as adults so it went unsed a lot of the time, but the new large Exo Terra large Gecko Cave is being used lots.

Moist Hides can be very cheap, like a ziplock Disposable Plastic Food Container with the lid on and a hole cut in it or a liter soda bottle cut in half with wet paper towels with the edges sanded down a tad. My babies always seem to like to poop in thier moist hides when young, so I have to clean them out every day and replace the moist paper as it dry's out fast, I think they feel safer pooping under cover so I use a plastice soda bottle ( I like green better then clear to make them feel more safe) for their first moist hide as I have to clean it every day and it's easy to get the paper towel in and out..

Later I wanted something that looked better so I slowly replaced the Cheap hides with ones that cost $$$ As I did not want to make my own.

I have a simple large Rock on two bricks over a under tank heating pad they seem to like, It's a big space so a lot of options for what ever temperature they like and I see them adjusting themselves here and there finding the perfect one while naping.. but it's not very dark compared to the caves and dens .. I'm sure if they had a chioce they would be in a darker place with a heat pad..So I'm going to set up a few and see what happens. but they seem to really like it there under the rock and feel safe and all the ajusting they can do as far a temp..

I'm working on getting them more options for hides all the time so they can pick and choose were they want to be and the temperature and light they want.

It's my little desert doll house for grown ups I tell my husband.. I wish I could use sand as it would look so much better but tile is safer, and cleaner by far! plus They go on a paper towel in the corner so easy clean up and less smell. Win win.
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