New to the Forum, New to geckos!



First I would like to say Hello. My name is Andrew. I just got my first gecko today. I have always had aqauriums fresh and salt, little furry friends, and turtles. So I wanted something else to add to the zoo I live in. I got this guy. I was told it was a Madagascar Day Gecko but I do not know if that is true because I have never had one. I cant complain because he was given to me for free. I hope to learn a lot from this site about him/her and all the oher geckos. Thanks

Here is my little buddy!


Thanks. I got it from the saltwater aquarium store I have been going to for over a year now. Some guy around here breeds them and dropped some off for them to sell. They had one left and have not seen or heard from the guy in 2 months so they let me take him.


Right now they just gave me a 10 gallon with a branch and a little plant in it. But being obbessed with salt and freshwater aquariums and never throwing anything away. I am working on setting up a 29 gallon. I just painted the back and the bottom of the aquarium black (outside of course) and later this week I am going to get some sort of substrate. The thing is I know no one with a setup and can not find really any pictures of setups so I am not sure what I am going to put in it or what they like. What can I use for the substrate?


Thanks. I am trying to learn more about this little guy but I can not find a lot of info. Not quite sure what I need for him to have a healthy life.


Thanks psycho/ helped a lot did not know I need UVA and B for them. I Guess all the extra bulbs for the turtles will come in handy. I had enough bulbs for the turtles to last them a year because they where on sale dirt cheap.

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