New to the forums, soon to be leo owner


New Member
Central Florida
Hello everyone! Been on the forums a few weeks, but I've only really been participating in the classifieds section up til now. I've been researching lizards now for a few months, and I was really unsure of what I wanted. I'm a beginner, so it was a toss up for me between a bearded dragon and leopard gecko.

I went to a reptile ownership class last night at the local Sanford Zoo and got to handle and learn about the care of feeding of both from one of the herp keepers. Also got to see some cool snakes, and turtles. But I'm happy to say that I've finally made up my mind, and I'll be in the market for a leopard gecko in a few weeks.

I've also decided after my class that I will be buying from a breeder and not from a pet shop. So I'll be sure to support one of my fellow forum members when I'm ready.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Welcome to the more active side of the forum :) and KUDOS for you for doing such a superb job at researching your future pet. More should follow your lead. I think it's fabulous that you had such a great class available to you before hand to research your future pet first hand.


New Member
Central Florida
Since there doesn't appear to be a forum for "obvious questions" I'm going to ask here :).

Is there a difference between male and female behaviors? IE are the males aggressive vs docile? Is it better to start with a juvenile or an adult? I'm able to give it attention every day, but in your opinion do reptiles "bond" with their owners by growing up dependent on them, or are they pretty indifferent? From what what the zoo told me, they're indifferent, but I'm curious as to other peoples opinions.



New Member
Sheffield, UK
Since there doesn't appear to be a forum for "obvious questions" I'm going to ask here :).

Is there a difference between male and female behaviors? IE are the males aggressive vs docile? Is it better to start with a juvenile or an adult? I'm able to give it attention every day, but in your opinion do reptiles "bond" with their owners by growing up dependent on them, or are they pretty indifferent? From what what the zoo told me, they're indifferent, but I'm curious as to other peoples opinions.


Male and females tend to act the same, except when breeding comes lol.
There is a difference between them physically though, but due to the amount of research youve done im guessing you know how to tell them apart lol.

Id say its better to start with adult, their easier to handle, have eaten plenty of times before, and are adults so have a bit more life experience.
But at the same time its great to have a Juvenile as they change so much as they grow so its great to see them changing and growing up, but as a first gecko id go with whats easiest.

They dont exactly bond, but once they settle and have been handled regularly they will become a lot more easy and relaxed with you.
I think its very easy for you to bond with it, and think of it as a friend, but the gkeco doesnt have the brain function to feel compassionate about you or think of you as a friend. But you will feel safe to him and the bringer of food lol.

Good luck and i hope you enjoy your gecko :)

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
I think for a first time owner a male would be better simply because you don't have to worrya bout teh female issues with eggs, ovulation, and egg binding (small chance but still a chance). Also I went with a sub adult (7 mos old) and couldn't have been happier. Easy to handle, not so freaked out at every little thing, but settling in did take a little longer as he went from a tub enclosure to a natural viv and that ws a BIG change for Eros. I find teh males of most species a bit more laid back, not as hot wired or sketchy as females, but with leos, I don't know, but my breeder did tll me his males temd to be moer sloth-ish love lumps and the females can tend to be a little more crazy. Morph also playes into attitude, blizzards seem to be more sketchy from what I hear, and red eyes are usually very sensitive to lighting.

Overall I'm extremely happy with my male mack snow boy, and I do think we're bonding. I got him October 1 this year and he already his learned feeding days, asks to come out of his tank after eating by climbing to the highest point and giving me "that look" (maybe more of a reflex action since I always take him out after eating but... ) ... you can almost see he wants the interaction and appreciated the time outside the tank to explore. He even watches TV with me (I posted a thread about this it's pretty funny seeing the responses). For such a simple creature that is only suppose to be focused on survival, eating, mating etc. I think they do show us individual personalities and come to enjoy their time spent interacting with us. I guess being a behaviorist I tend to look at it a little differently than most but I do think on some level a bond is there. Maybe just the bond between depdndant and provider but a bond none the less.

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