New to the gecko forums

Limited Exotic

New Member

Just a short introduction about me :p

My name is Kevin, i'm 24 years old and i'm from Belgium. I have been keeping reptiles as pets for some time now. (Since i was about 12-13y.)
Last year i decided to take it a step up and start breeding with leo's.

Ater getting information, i started to look out for leo's, for my breeding group.
i'll just be starting with one group for the first year, to maintain control since i'm still learning every day!

If all goes as planned i should be ready, and start my first season in february 2014.

The first group exists of:
1.0.0 Sunglow radar
0.1.0 Radar
0.2.0 Shtct(b) Het Radar

I think this covers it up for now :D

If u do have any questions don't hasitate to reply or send a pm ;)

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