New to the world of geckos


New Member
Hello everyone. I'm both new to this site as well as new to leopard geckos. I have heard nothing but great things about having leopard geckos as pets. Although I am new to geckos I have been in the reptile hobby for several years. Mainly Bearded Dragons and Ball Pythons.

I understand that two female leopard geckos can be housed together. Is this correct? If I can house them together I may get two of them. If not I will just get one. Will a 20 gallon long be big enough to house two adult leopard geckos? I want to be certain prior to pulling the trigger on two of them.

Thanks in advance for your help!


New Member
Also, what do the majority of members here use to regulate the UTH? Is a Herpstat over kill? I use them for my ball pythons and love them! However, if I can get by without dropping $100 I'm all ears.

Thanks again!


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
Also, what do the majority of members here use to regulate the UTH? Is a Herpstat over kill? I use them for my ball pythons and love them! However, if I can get by without dropping $100 I'm all ears.

Thanks again!

Welcome !! Although 2 females of equal size can be housed together i would not recommend it.Bullying can occur.20 gallons is more than enough room for 1 or 2 leos.Me personally I house my leos in a rack which is heated by flex watt tape.I use herpstats to control my temps.Other ppl use UTH


New Member
WARNING!!!! Geckos can become addictive handle with care, lol! I have 3 females that have lived together in a 55 gal for over 4 years now. You do have to monitor them because yes arguments can occur and even after all this time I realize that moods towards one another can also change. We had a 4th female in there for a little over a year when suddenly noone could get along with her. In that tank I just keep an eye on the temps. I use a heat gun and we have 2 probe therms in it. In some of the other units of tanks we do have a spyder and a herp stat. A 20 gal long would be fine for 2 adults. Make sure that you have 2 cool hides and 2 warm hides if possible. That way if the girls need to get away from each other they have other hides to go to. Welcome to GF and good luck into your first venture into geckos


New Member
Sheffield, UK
yes you can house two females together but remember to quarantine them from each other first. keep em seperate for two months or more to watch out for any problems and what not.

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