New to thread, new to Geckos



Hello we just adopted a Female Gecko about 2 months ago from the pet store were I work. She has been doing better since I brought her tiny cute lil face home. My dog really likes her although he only sees her through the glass, no face to face interactions. Ill tell you I was never a big reptile fan until I met my Gecko, seeing her everyday at work, I got into feeding her and caring for her. When the boss said he wanted to find her a home, I immediatly said "ill take her". I debated for days when to take her home. A gentleman, shall I say, came in with another Gecko (male) and droped it off and said "someone was going to come in and pick the male Gecko up and if they dont you can do what ever with him" So I waited a few days past the time the person was supposed to come in and then decided to take the female out of her tank and put her in the new one with all of her old stuff so she felt comfortable, and brought her home. Now I still may take the male aswell..............

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