Newbie Feeding Question


New Member
Hello i wondered if anyone would be able to help a complete newbie, sorry if this is a silly question, i have just purchased my first gecko who is currently still settling in and does not really appear to be eating... I am leaving mealies in so he has the option to eat if he fancy's anything.... How long should i leave the mealies in the dish before replacing them?:main_huh:


I too am new. We just bought my daughter a young gecko, and it ate 10-12 small crickets each day for the first few days. It has now slowed down, and does not seem to want any meal worms. I leave a few in it's cage just in case. I also leave a few crickets in there too.

Sorry for hi-jacking your thread, but I thought it better to keep one newbie feeding thread than multiple.


New Member
Alocin, you might want to replace them every day with freshly gutloaded ones. Or you can use a bigger dish and leave a bit of fresh carrot in there for them to snack on. The food will keep them active and more enciting to your gecko. :)

Broncobill, 10-12 crickets a day should be reasonably filling for your gecko at least until it grows up a bit. I find that feeding at night with dim lights makes any prey item more interesting. Maybe you could try offering one mealie at a time in this setting? Leos are nocturnal after all.

Hope this helps. :D


New Member
Thank you Friedbread that is what i thought so i have been doing it correct.

He/She has now eaten 4 mealies last night and one this morning.... so hopefully he should be settling in a bit more now and this with a bit of luck will increase, there has been no interest in the crickets what so ever....., as soon as we went near he/she would run and hide but now even when i open the doors to remove the water or food dishes he pokes his head out of the hide and watches and starts moving slowly towards me :)
Brocobill i hope your little one will be fine and starts eating again. Being a newbie is tough as you just dont know what to expect.

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