


Hey first post, i have had geckos a few years back and picking up some again Now in a new house (apartment) and it is very warm in the summer (no ac). Have set up my tank and going to be getting 2 tokays in the next few days but im having a hard time getting the temp down from 80ish at night time.
With nothing on, no lights or heat pad it sits at 80 at night and durring the day its around 90. If i turn on the light will it be too warm for them? Does get some natural light from my balcony, is this enough if the temp is kept up? And how can i cool it down at night time?


New Member
it should be fine heat wise. However if the gecko u want to purchase needs UV then u will need to provide that for it which may also ad heat. I would suggest keeping the top of your enclosure clear so hot air can rise out of the gecko enclosure and to provide a shaded section of enclosure preferably on the side where your cool section of the sand should be.


Have read quite a bit and says i dont need a UV light for Tokays, also read that i could put a frozen water bottle in there to cool it down? is this correct?


New Member
Well in that case you don't need a uv light! I wouldn't put an iced bottle in there unless it was a particularly hot day or night. These geckos are often found in homes in the country they originate from so they are pretty hardy however just keep an eye on your enclosure. If it gets a few degrees over recommended temps i wouldn't worry but any more than that you could try the frozen bottle of water, a light spray with a water canister or a small fan set on the top of the enclosure to get some cool air circulating.
You should be right!! Just have fun and enjoy them as much as you can!!!!
p.s these are nocturnal geckos so if u want to see him at night i would reccomend a black light or redlight bulb and mount it a few feet higher than your enclosure. This way the heat wont radiate into the enclosure and affect temps.
All the best


Thank you. Picking them up today will post pics. Not going to be looking at them at night time cause ill be sleeping then.

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